Three Whole Words and Eight Letters Late

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"Maddison come on we have to go" my mum shouted from downstairs. I sighed moving my hair out of my face. I picked up my suitcase and dragged it downstairs. "Smile Maddie you will enjoy Eden Boarding School" mum said picking up my suitcase. I walked down the path and got in the car huffing. "Maddison you have to go like it or not" I rolled my eyes looking out the window as she started to drive.

My name is Maddison Holmes. I'm 17 years old. Right now my mother is shipping me off to boarding school. She thinks I have to go because I took lots of time off my college. I spent most of the year cutting and making myself sick. My mum thinks the answer is shipping me away with thousands of stuck up girls and boys. 

"Mum I don't think they will like me' I said looking down. They won't. I'm a nerd. I spend my life watching Doctor Who and Sherlock. I wear vintage/hipster clothes. I have blonde and purple hair. I read,draw and write fanfiction plus I dont think my history will go down well. Plus there all British and i'm Irish.  (outfit: )

We pulled up to big victorian building. Stood on the drive was a tall women in a penicl skirt suit. She looked kind but looks can be deciving right? My mum pulled up by the women and we both got out. 

"Hello you must be Miss Holmes" the women said shaking my mothers hand. "and you must be Maddison' I nodded playing with the selve of my jacket. "Hello Maddison I am Mrs Surrey I am the head misstress here at Eden Boarding School" A girl came over to the head misstress she had what must be the uniform on and she looked me up and down. 

"Ah Maddison this is head girl Darcy. She will show you to your dorms. You have a dorm room shared with 3 other girls" She said and I nodded looking at Darcy. He hair was in perfect place and make up done perfectly. 

I said my goodbyes to my mother and walked off with Darcy. "Maddison right?" I nodded. "Well your different" she said looking at me up and down again. "Just so you know wheres a higher acrachy. Thats me. Head girl and head boy. You and your new room mates are definatly lower class" she said nasty stopping outside my room. "Here is your room and your key" she handed me the key and walked away. I read the door number and tried not to fangirl. "221" the door read. Sherlock fangirl.

I opened the door and saw 3 girls stood looking at me. They all had uniform on. "Hello i'm your new roomate" I smile waving a little. They all looked at eachother then waved back. One girl ran up to me and hugged me "Hello i'm Billie" She moved away and sat on her bed. "This is Natalie and Emma" I smiled and waved "Is this my bed?" I said walking over to the spare bed with uniform set on it. 

I looked around the room and smiled. "Whats that big smile on your face for?" Emma looked at me. I saw millions of Sherlock,Doctor Who and Supernatural posters. By my bed was a book shelf full of books I loved. "I love all these TV shows and books. I thought everyone here would be stuck up and think i'm weird" I laughed.

"Welcome to our weirdness" Natalie smile "Now get your uniform on dinner is soon" She smiled.

I put on the uniform (Uniform: ) it was actually really pretty. I added my glasses and my studded back. Put my hair into a side plat that reminds me of Katness from The Hunger Games.

I walked back in and smiled "Do I look okay?" they nodded "Will they be angry if I put my mockingjay pin on?" I asked. "No I have mine on" Billie said and showed me her blazer. "Lets get you some dinner new girl" Emma said opening the dorm door.

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