The Club.

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                         Chapter 4

I woke up to a pounding on the bathroom door.  I opened my eyes and realized I was still in the shower. The water ran cold and I was freezing. 

"Doll, open the door," I heard Mr.  J say from the other side of the door.

I turned the water off and got out of the shower.  I dried off and rapped the towel around myself. 

"Doll,  open the door or I will break it down. U don't want me to punish u do u," Mr.  J said sounding angry. 

I slowly went to unlock the door and cracked it open a bit. I poked kynhead outside and saw Mr. J standing there in a white button up shirt, that wasn't buttoned at all. He had black dress pants on, black dress shoes. Gold chains and rings he wore for accessories.
    He smirked and snorted. "Like what u see, princess, I know I do." He said swinging the door all the way open. I stumbled back and hit the sink as he strolled inside the bathroom.

"I picked out your outfit for tonight, I  have buisness at the club that needs attending.  "You got 20 minutes to get ready or I will make you go to the club in that towel," he threatened.  Then walked out. 
I sighed, and walked out into the bedroom and saw what he had picked out for me. It was a pair of ripped suspender shorts with a checkered crop top. I snorted and picked up the outfit examining it. 
I looked on the bed and there was a note that read.
     ("I had Frost go out and get u feminine products, they are in your bathroom cabinet.  Be sure to look pretty for daddy, love Mr.  J. ) I rolled my eyes and got dressed. I looked in the bathroom and there was alot of makeup and perfume. I smiled and thought about how long it's been since I've worn makeup.  I quickly put some mascara and eyeliner on, nothing to fancy and then put on some combat boots.

I opened my bedroom door and there was one of J guys waiting for me.  "Mr.  J told me to come fetch you," he said grabbing my arm and dragging me down to the lobby. 
   We walked into the lobby and I saw Mr.J waiting by the door for me.  He had an angry look on his face. "Is that any way to treat a lady Wilson," he asked walking over to us and grabbing my hand. J pulled out his gun and pointed it at Wilsons head.

   "What have I told u about touching what's mine" he said smiling maniacal. Wilsons eyes got wide and he started to ramble apologies.
   "J I'm sorry, I didn't know." BANG!!!  J shot him right between the eyes. Me being not all sane started to giggle and laugh at the scene before me.
   "Let this be a lesson to everyone," J said pointing his gun at all his henchmen. "If anyone lays a hand on her without my permission, l will kill u, Now pick this mess up," he cackled guiding me out to his car. 

Is was about 8:00 at night and we pulled up to a huge building. J walked us to the front door and I stopped in my tracks. Mr.  J I'm only 17 I said. He looked back at me and laughed. "Doll face your with me, live a little" he said, guiding me pass the men at the front door and into the club.  The club was a gold and black theme colored, the music was very loud.  There was a huge stage with pole dancer and strippers. A huge bar that rapped around the club.

Mr.  J led us to a VIP section and sat down, he drug me to sit in his lap and held me by the waist so I couldn't escape.  "Relax, I heard him say in my ear, I have a client coming and I need u to play along, princess," he said. I nodded my head nervously in understanding. "Don't enjoy it to much" he joked, while squeezing my sides and making me gasp. Minutes ticked by and a man with tattoos all over his face came and sat down in front of us.  J, he said greeting him. "You owe me money," was all J said. "I know, I'm trying to get it all but some unexpected things have gotten in the way," the guy said making up an excuse.

(He's lieing.) the voices in my head said.

"He's lieing," I repeated making the choice to trust the voice's.
Mr.  J looked down at me curious as to why I said that.  I gave him a look that said trust me and he looked back up at the man.

"I will ask u again where's my money," J repeated.  The man's eyes got wide and he started to sweat. 

( he is here to kill him) the voices said.

My eyes went wide and whispered what I heard into J ear.  He looked at the guy and smiled a wicked smile.  Before the guy could say anything, J took out his gun and shot the man two times in the chest.  Mr.  J pushed me off his lap and I tumbled to the ground. Let's go home princess, he said before saying something to frost and walking out of the club.  I got up and rubbed my sore butt and followed after him.

(he will kill us) the voices said again.

I rolled my eyes and ignored the voices telling me not to trust the joker. 
Little did I know that maybe they were right all along. 

Yay!!! We made it to the fourth chapter.  Very excited to see what you all think. Can't wait to write the 5 chapter. More joker and spade scenes and some fluff to come. Don't forget to leave a comment and let me know.  Love you all.

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