Rescue and Revenge

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  Joker POV

I finally was done with my business from out of town and I was thrilled to bed heading back to Gotham.

I called front and he updated me on the business and crime rate while I was gone with was actually pretty low since I was gone.

I could tell he was hiding something from me since he would stumble over his words.

"How's ace doing" I asked him picturing her little body and beautiful plump lips in my head. I nearly moaned and the sight.

Uh,uh  well sir she has been missing for two days now,  he said hurriedly and I nearly broke the phone in my hand.

She's WHAT!!!!!   What do u mean she is missing,  u were in charge of watching her and u lost her, I yelled through the phone.

Sir,  I took her shopping,  she wanted to get something nice for u as a homecoming gift,  He stuttered.

My face softened at the thought of my doll getting me a present,  but it vanished when I remembered that she was missing.

I pushed my foot down in the pedal harder,  and told frost that I'd be there soon. I can't wait to get my hands on the idiot who thought he could steal what belongs to me.


I gasped for air as I hung from the ceiling by my wrist. I just got done with one of Michael's  famous beatings for the third time today.

I was exhausted and bruised and just wanted to die already. I hoped j would get here soon. Music still played in the background and Michael sat watching me hang while smoking a cigar.

You are a lot prettier then when u left me,  he said with a sickening voice that made me want to barf.

When the joker comes for me and he will I assure u,  you will  be in a big heap of trouble I said.

Oh sweet heart I have no doubt he will.come for you and that's exactly what I'm counting on he said while laughing manically.

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