Chapter 11

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Hey my fabulus cuppycakes! (sorry if you're a dude lol but that's your reader name now). Anyways I listened to Katy Perry's album while writing this chapter, and I think the song Double Rainbow is the perfect theme song for the whole story. I liked writing this chapter; it's mostly a filler but bear with me :DDD I hope you enjoy some ZERRIE. And it's still not edited... so yeah. I try to read through and find the errors but I miss some sometimes. But here ya go...

Harry P.O.V. -

I hadn't been to the clinic since I was fifteen. At that point I was fed up with the pointless therapy sessions that weren't doing anything but aggravating Damien and me for that matter. I was tired of being told there was no cure and that the best thing was to 'take my meds'. My knee shook nervously as I sat in the tiny waiting room. Dr. Malik was finishing up with the last patient of the day before I was allowed in.

"Alright, love you can come on back now," a blonde nurse called. I smiled at her as she led me into the room. Dr. Malik hadn't aged a day since I last saw him roughly three years ago. His skin was a nice caramel tan. His hair was jet black, but instead of the youthful quiff it lay in a messy heap. Malik had also grown some facial hair in the time being, not too much just enough that suited him. I chuckled as I saw the good doctor had gone through with the tattoos he'd always joked about getting.

"Harry, what a pleasant surprise!" he called in surprise when he saw me. I stood up and gave him a hug. He patted my back with his clipboard before pulling away to inspect me.

"My, my how you've grown since I last saw you. It's been what two, three years? What brings you here?"

"Well Dr. Malik, I need your help." His chocolate eyes softened and he gave me a friendly smile.

"Harry please, we're closer than that. Call me Zayn, mate."

"Alright, Zayn, I need your help with something. See I've fallen in love," I began but was interrupted by a deep chuckling.

"That's not exactly my area of expertise. I'm a psychological analyst. I determine if you're fit for the real world and provide therapeutic sessions to help prepare mental disorder patients for the modern world. Love is not a subject I've got a degree in."

"No, I didn't mean I need your love advice. I meant that I fell in love, but Damien is getting in the way. You see, Damien doesn't exactly... like him." I gulped as Zayn's eyes widened for a moment.

"Did you say him?" I nodded cautiously. "Oh that's wonderful Harry! I'm so happy you've been able to find someone who accepts you for you, regardless of their gender."

"Yeah, that's sort of the problem. Louis is a little too accepting of me. Damien literally almost killed him. He beat Louis up and caused him to bleed internally. Thank God my mom came home and the hospital was able to save him."

"Oh Harry, that's awful. I'm sorry, man, but I don't know what you want from me," he said with a hint of sadness in his tone as he shrugged his shoulders.

"I want a cure. I want to get rid of Damien. Anything, any risk, any chance, I'm willing to take it. I just can't stand to think that I could possibly hurt Louis again. I won't put myself or him through anything like that ever again. So please, be honest with me. Don't withhold information for my mother's sake."

Zayn looked hesitantly down at his clipboard and then back towards the door. His fingers played anxiously with the lining of his white lab coat.

"What? What is it? There's something isn't there?! Tell me!" I demanded with interest.

"No," he hesitated. "There isn't anything. I'm sorry."

"Damn it, Zayn! I asked you not to lie to me!" I shouted as I pounded my fists on the patient examination table. White hot angered blazed through me. Zayn flinched backwards at my words.

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