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'Hello, all,' Daniel, gave a small bow and moved forward towards Lily. Lifting her hand to his lips, he noticed Kray tensing. Ah, he seems to have violated a rule, or rather, ignored the oldest and most important advice in the book. Now, this should be interesting. What will happen next? Daniel secretly thought to himself.

'Um, hello,' Lily, hesitated slightly. She looked over at Kray for some answers. Why does he seem annoyed? She thought to herself, and sure enough, Kray's hands were tightened into a fist.

'Don't worry, Lil,' Kray answered her questioning look. Pulling Lily close to himself, he turned back to Daniel, 'Hi, how can we help?' There seemed to be a touch of bitterness in his tone that didn't go unnoticed by both Lily, and, Daniel.

'You can't help me, but, Lily, can,' widening his smile, Daniel continued looking straight at Lily. 'That's if you'll help me,' he said directly to Lily. He began to slowly pull Lily out of Kray's grasp while still retaining eye contact. That's it Lily, keep looking straight at me. Don't break eye contact. It seems like the code wasn't as strong as I'd expected. Daniel continued to smile as Lily started standing up. I just want one kiss. Just want to feel your lips on mine. Come on, Lily.

'Sorry, but what is your name? Also, how did you know my name?' Lily asked, still looking straight at Daniel.

'My sincere apologies, but my name is Daniel. And Kratos,' Daniel gestured towards Kray, 'Or rather, Kray, should have told you my name. He knew I was coming. Did you not?' Daniel tilted his head slightly towards Kray, however, still did not break eye contact with Lily.

'Lil, look at me. Don't leave me just yet. Please Lils,' Kray pleaded, also standing up. He towered over Daniel, but he knew anger wouldn't change anything. I can't even pull her back. Wait, no, maybe I can, can't I?

'No, Kray, you can't. Against the rules, remember? I can call you Kray, right?' Daniel answered Kray's thoughts with a smirk. 'Anyways, no use of force here.'

Daniel moved his hand to Lily's face and softly caressed it. Lily, let out a breath she didn't know she had held.

She tried to work out who he was. She knew he was an angel. She never did care for men with heavily built figures, but something about him intrigued her. She continued staring at him, trying to understand what he wanted with her. The smirk, thrown at Kray, was not something she enjoyed watching.

'Don't worry. There's nothing to be afraid of,' Daniel softly replied to her thoughts, and brought her hand once again to his lips. He noticed Kray tense up again.

Kray, narrowed his eyes. Refusing to witness the scene any further, he turned his back on them. 'Breathe Kray. Just calm down,' he seethed under his breath. But he couldn't. He knew he had gotten in too deep to pull himself out. Wiping a lone tear, and accepting that nothing could happen between him and Lily, he finally turned back.

'So, Daniel, what brings you over here?' Kray asked, whilst stretching his arms above his head and fluttering his wings slightly.

'Oh, this and that, you know,' Daniel replied, momentarily removing his eyes from Lily's.

'No!' Lily, suddenly, screamed. Snatching her hands back from Daniel, she turned towards Kray and ran back into his arms. 'Kray, tell them to stop! Tell the voices to go away! Kray, help me!' Lily continued shouting, closing her eyes shut tightly and shaking her head. 'Kray, don't leave me. Please Kray, don't leave me!'

'Lils, look at me,' Kray whispered softly. 'Look at me now.' He held her face with both hands and pulled her face up towards him. 'Look at me, Lil. Please.' As Lily's breathing started slowing down, Kray's eyes traveled down from her eyes to her lips. He lightly brushed his thumb across Lily's lips. He felt Lily shudder and close her eyes. That was all the consent he needed.

Kray, moved down his head and softly kissed her lips. So soft. My Lily. Only my Lils. He felt starved, and knew his body couldn't stand it any longer. He needed her, and cared not for the consequences, but knew he would need to take it slowly. 'It's alright, Lil. The voices won't hurt you. Let me look at your eyes one last time, Lil. Look at me,' Kray whispered softly against her lips. With one last swipe of her lips with his tongue, he began tracing down light kisses along her neck.

Lily slowly slid her palms along his chest, upto his shoulders, inhaling deeply with every touch of his lips on her neck. She looked up, straight into Kray's eyes. 'Please don't leave me, Kray. They're shouting at me. I don't know who, but someone is. I don't want to leave you,' she whispered, shaking her head. How can I leave you? Can't you see that I love you?

'But you have to, Lil.' He inhaled deeply, matching Lily's breathing. 'God, Lil you have no idea how much I...your eyes, Lil, your smile...even your tears,' Kray whispered, as he rubbed off the tears from her cheeks with his thumbs. 'But is it love? I don't even know what that is. If it is this strange feeling; like something inside you, is breaking, like some string is pulling at your heart, then, I must be in love with you. But I'm an angel, Lily, do I have a heart?' Kray asked

'Kray, you're an angel, how can you have a heart?' Daniel interrupted. Why do this to yourself? You know the consequences. Listen to me Kray, love means nothing.

Kray continued to ignore him. 'Let me kiss you again,' he breathed out heavily, as tears started trickling down his own face. Droplets of rain began splattering down. 'Please, Lil, please,' he began pleading, 'but you must listen to the voices,' his voice cracked, which was followed by lightening. Kray allowed his tongue to entwine with hers.

Closing her eyes and weaving her fingers amongst his short, black hair, Lily tilted her head slightly backwards and opened her mouth to deepen the kiss further.

The Never Ending Kiss, she thought to herself as Kray softly pulled her into himself and quickened the pace of the kiss. He plundered her mouth as if the kiss was the only thing keeping him alive. Lily grabbed his hair into her fist and groaned as Kray's hand moved down past her lower back. She could feel the heat radiating from his hands. His wings widened and pulled them both off the ground.

Her groan slowly became louder as he sucked her neck further and further down. Her low neckline gave enough room to reach down with his lips.

As he leveled his lips just above her heart, Lily could feel her heart beating hard against her rib cage. She felt a strong force hit her as soon as Kray's lips pressed down. Each new kiss brought along another force. Rather than falling backwards, the force felt strangely soothing.

But the voices were back. Remembering Kray's words, she let the voices enclose her.


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