Chapter one

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Becca's pov
'Twas the night before Halloween and me and Molly were working. I was behind the till counting the monies and Molly was cleaning the tables shakin her booty to the tune of high way to hell.
'IM ON THE HIGHWAY TO HELL!' We both screeched at the top of our lungs, laughing afterwards. That was when the door bell went off. Our heads shot up and we looked at each other then to the door. There stood two men. One had brown hair that came to his shoulders and the other had leafy green eyes. Me and Molly looked at each other and smiled.
'Hi there fellas, we're closing up in a few but we'll let you stay for a drink.' I smiled and gestured towards one of the clean tables.
'What can I get for you fine ladies.' Molly beamed, getting out her pen and paper.
'I'll have a black coffee please.' The larger of the men said.
'Um I'll have a whisky.' Said the other. His voice was deeper than the brown haired mans and he appeared to be the oldest.
'Coming right up.' Molly chuckled and passed me the paper. I looked up to ask the smaller gentleman what type of whisky he'd like when I over heard a snippet of their conversation.
'Psst Molly come hither.' I whispered. She looked over at the men and then proceeded to tip toe over to me.
'Listen to them.' My voice was low and I nodded my head towards them. She looked up and hid under the display case. I rose my eyebrow in curiosity and laughed, she was always doing weird stuff. I then went to the back to get the drinks.

Molly's POV
Becca had gone to the back to get the drinks whilst I hid under the cakes in super stealth mode. I popped my head up slightly so just my eyes were visible. The larger of the two had his laptop out and was concentrating hard whilst the other was reading a a paper. Becca told me to listen so I was.
'Sammy what you got?' The green eyed man said.
'Three  people died last week, all found two days ago with their blood drained and two more disappeared this week.' Hmmm sounds prit suspish and by that, incase you hadn't realised, I mean it's pretty suspicious.
'Sounds like we got ourselves a couple of sparkly bitches.' The smaller guy said looking up from his paper. Hmmm those sparkly bitches sound all too familiar and I'm pretty sure he ain't onna bout twilight.

From the corner of my eye I saw Becca coming from the back with a tray. On it was the drinks with two slices of cherry pie which they didn't order. She carried it like a French waiter from old movie and waltzed over to the boys table.
'Here y'all go.' The two looked at each other in shock for a moment then up to her.
'Coffee for the you and a jack for the you. Oh and you both look a little hungry so here is a pie for the you.'
'Dude I friggin love pie.' The green eyed man said tucking into it. Becca smiled and walked off. That was when I jumped up making her squeal.
'MOLLY!' She screamed whacking my arm. All I could do was laugh and drag her into the back. The noise had made the men look up and watch us with curios faces.
'What do you think your doing?.' She asked holding her chest.
'They talking about the vamps. Do you think they're one of us?' I asked in a hushed tone. She looked from me to the men who were talking quietly in the corner.
'Dean what are you talking about we can't do that!' The man named Sammy exclaimed a little louder then he obviously meant to.
'What it's just down the road. I say we go there tomorrow night . It'll be Halloween so no one will be around.' Dean said around a mouthful of pie. Both men looked up so we quickly looked away pretending to be interested in the fake spider on the wall. Once they looked away we resumed talking. Becca looked quite interested in them now.
'Could be so. I mean look at them they've obviously traveled far but if they are hunters why have they come to England? I'm sure America needs its hunters more. Besides were the top hunters in the uk.' She looked back at me and frowned.
'Do you think they're here to try and compete with us? I mean they are possibly talking about getting the nest down the road... We've had our eyes on that nest for weeks! It's ours.' Our eyes met briefly and then we walked back into the front area.

Deans POV
'Sammy are you sure they are the girls? They seem off. They seem off to you?' I was slightly annoyed now. We'd travelled all this way to get the most powerful hunters in the uk but it seemed we had come into the depths of the land of crazy. The cafe/diner thing we walked into was nerdy. So freakin nerdy. The walls were littered with superheroes and the food and drinks were all themed. Like I said the land of crazy. Although the girls personalities seemed to suit it well.
'Dean this is where Cas told us to go. I mean yes they seem a bit dipsy but we haven't seen them in action.' Sammy looked up from his laptop and his eyes wondered over to the door where both girls were standing.
Molly, the taller lady, was of slim build and wore a 'kiss the cook' apron which was fluorescent yellow. Breaking bad inspired I believe. She stood with her back against the door frame causally. Her friend which I hadn't heard a name was looking over he shoulder. From what i saw of her earlier she was chubbier than Molly and quite a bit smaller. I presume she's standing on her tiptoes to look over he friends shoulder. They talked briefly then Molly stood up straight and her friend walked to the cash register.
'Becca we done here?' Molly asked. Becca hummed a response and looked up at us.
'Sorry gals but the curtains have closed. Shows over. Oh how's the pie?' Her voice was of a higher pitch and she seemed quite bubbly and bouncy compared to Molly who was rather laid back.
'Um pie was great thanks.' I smiled and Sam just nodded packing up his laptop.
'Oh goody goody gum drops' Becca laughed as she practically skipped away with our plates. 'Hope to see you soon!' She called as we walked out. But I'm sure she'd take that statement back soon.

We got into the impala and we drove a minute down the street and waited.
'Dean what are you doing?' Sam asked, looking at me with a confused look.
'We're waiting for these two crazies to leave so we can see where they go.' To be honest I wasn't sure how my plan was gunna play out so I was just going to see where it went. These two girls didn't seem your typical hunters and I'm sure they weren't dangerous so we could move slowly.
'That's your big plan?' His eyebrows rose and he say back chuckling.
'Yeah, you got a better plan? Cuz I'm sure we can't just go to them and be like "hey you're gunna save the world come with us" it doesn't work like that sammy.' He was about to open his mouth when I saw the girls walk next to us. They were arm in arm and appeared to be laughing. Molly was freakin out over something and Becca joined in. Once they calmed down they were walking down the street again. 'Off we go.'

Molly's POV
We left the bakery and walked down the street towards home. As we were walking I saw the most beautiful car ever.
'OH MY GOD! A '67 Chevy Impala! Such beauty.' My eyes were glued to this beautiful car.
'Wow car envy much?' Becca joked but freaked a little when she saw the colour. 'Oh my gosh... I love black cars!'
'Is a nice car.' We laughed as we continued to walk home.
We were about halfway home when I felt as if someone was watching us. Looking around I saw no one and all I could hear was the busy streets of London.
'S'wrong?' Becca asked as we came to a stop.
'Nothing.' I replied. 'Do you ever get the feeling your being watched?' She considered my question for a second and looked around and spotted the impala from earlier then nodded. We contained home and I said nothing but for the rest of the walk I still had this feeling of unease and I didn't like it... They were following us
Once we arrived at the apartment complex I looked around again. There it was that Impala again.
'Ah home sweet home.' She sighed after we climbed the stairs to the 5th floor. 'I don't know about you but I'm ready for some torst.' And for those who don't speak crazy she wanted toast, like usual.

Sam's POV
We followed the girls back to their home. Through out the journey they only stopped once but I'm sure they didn't spot us which was good. They stopped at an old apartment block and entered it.
'Um Dean...'
'Isn't that the apartment building where we just rented a place?' This was an odd coincidence but it was one that was beneficial to us.
We got out the car and brought our bags up to the 5th floor. The building looked odd on the inside. There was no furniture in the lobby and the walls were a dirty white with missing plaster chunks.
'What a nice place we picked out here.' We continued up the stairs and it was cold and smelt like damp.
'Good job it's cheap.' Dean commented. There was no lift but we got to the 5th floor quite quickly. Once we were there I saw a door down the hallway close. I assumed it was the girls which was convenient incase we needed them.
'Home sweet home...' Dean said sounding irritated. The apartment was like a motel room but bigger. 'Looks like we'll have to spruce it up a bit.'
'So Dean our plan?'

Sup humans Becca here, as you can see me and the Molly have done a new book. Call us sad for putting ourselves in it but eh we like the idea. I know not a lot is explained in this chapter but there is a point to this. If you would like to find out why the winchesters are in London or what we have to do with it please stick around to find out. We hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope to see you soon!
Ps these chapters will kind of show you mine and Molly's true craziness.
Anyway i hope you people have a good week and we shall see you soon.
Laters Becca out :P

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