Chapter 2

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Quick note before I begin. The book, especially when written in my point of view, will have slang words because tis how I talk. So please forgive me.
Becca POV
'Ugh Molly hold still!' I sighed as I pulled her head towards me so I could finish her costume. Tonight was Halloween and oh boy did I love it. When else did adults get to dress up. Actually now I think of it I could dress up everyday but you get the idea... I LOVE HALLOWEEN! The apartment was decorated in purple, green, orange and black with bats hanging from the ceiling and fake spiders and webs all over the walls.
Tonight we had a party to go to with some of our friends but not until we got that vampire nest. Man tonight was gunna be great.
'I was just checking Tumblr.' Molly stated as she adjusted her costume. Not gunna lie our costumes were lookin pretty fly (sorry got Offspring stuck in my head) we were both dressed as zombies and not to blow my own trumpet or anything but the make up looked great. It had taken about half an hour but we were finally ready.
'Ready Freddie?' I asked as I walked into my bedroom to get my weapons. Molly hummed a response and walked to her room to get her supplies too. After grabbing my bat I waited for Mol in the living room. It took a minute or two for her to emerge but she eventually did with her swords in their sheaths.
'No bow?' I asked.
'Nah. Not handy.'
'Alright. Lets a go!' With that we ran out the door and to the dark street which was empty. That was when I noticed Molly's new favourite car. 'Hey look!'
'Oh my gosh it's here again! No way!' We both laughed as we walked towards the nest arm in arm.

Deans POV
Me and Sam were sat in the car waiting for the girls to leave for their party.
'Do you think they're going to the nest tonight?' Sam asked looking up.
'I'm not so sure, I mean Cas said they were hunters but I'm not convinced. Those two are one sandwich short of a picnic.' The car fell silent for a moment so I looked towards our new apartment building. That was when I saw Becca and Molly. Both dressed up... They were walking arm in arm and laughing, same as yesterday.
'Are they dressed as zombies?' Sam asked his voice sounding amused. I let out a sigh and replied with a yes. Starting the car I followed them slowly trying not to make it obvious.
I was examining the girls when I noticed something.
'Uhh sammy... Are they allowed to be carrying those?' He looked up from his lap and saw what I did. Those girls were batshit crazy. Becca was carrying a shiny metal bat with barbed wire surrounding the top and Molly had what appeared to be swords on her back. They were both carrying them as if they were not deadly weapons. Becca was even swinging her bat. I looked to sammy and his eyes were wide.
'I don't think so.' He said and continued to stare. As I looked back to the road I realised we were at the nest and the girls were already inside.
'Here we are.' Sam stated. 'I guess we should follow?'. We both hopped out the car, grabbing our supplies from the boot.
'Be careful. It's bad enough dealing with vamps but with those two who knows.'
'Vampires are nothing compared to those two.' Sam laughed.

Molly's POV
'Ready babe?' I asked getting excited. Becca looked at me with a huge grin.
'Hell yeah!' She laughed and put her bat on her shoulder, avoiding the barbed wire tip. We pushed open the huge door to the old abandoned warehouse. It was quite inside and the lights were switched off making the place almost total darkness. In the corner was a clutter of candles, each burned down to almost the end. We looked at each other and nodded. It was hard to see but we made our way to the candles.
'Hey are you proud?' Becca whispered. 'I didn't trip or break anything!' I shushed her by placing my hand on her mouth. With my other hand I pointed to the sleeping vamps I spotted and I felt her nod. Slowly we crept towards them but something in my stomach didn't feel right.
The end of my swords were covered in dead mans blood. Perfect.
'Wasn't there meant to be 6?' My friend whisper right in my ear. I quickly counted the bodies I could see. 1...2...3...4... I could only see 4. That was when something hit me from behind. My vision went blurry for a second and Becca screamed 'Oi leave her alone you sparkly banana!' I shook my head and got up, taking my swords out their sheaths. Looking around I couldn't see the vampire who attacked me but those who were once asleep were now awake and bearing fangs.
They were looking at us curiously but it was a look of a predator. Becca backed up and made it so we were side my side. She was staring at them with wide eyes. Damn it, now was not the time for her weird vampire obsession.
'You can swear you know.' I said as I swiped at one who came near me.
'I don't like it!' She replied and swung her bat for effect. That was when a vampire stepped forward and casually walked towards us. Instinctively we both raised our weapons and took a step back.
'My my what do we have here.' He mused. His deep voice had a thick British accent and he sounded way to posh.
'Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.' I flourished my sword in the air and Becca sighed but held he bat higher.
'Funny.' The vamp wasn't impressed. It was silent for a moment no one daring to move. That was when another vampire stepped out from out of the shadows. Then the others moved and surrounded us. Well this was just great.
'Oh my god really?' Becca asked sarcastically. 'Now this is just unfair.' With that she swung her bat and whacked one of the vampires over the head. The barbed wire sinking into the flesh of his skull and ripping it. He let out a hiss and lunged for us. Obviously this was just an invitation for the others to attach, fangs showing and hissing.

Sams POV
By the time we made it into the he rafters of the roof the girls were surrounded.
'Should we help them?' Dean asked right in my ear causing me to jump.
'Jesus Dean. You gave me a heart attack.' I replied, my hand on my racing heart. 'They don't know we're here, we can't just go down and be like "hey were here to save you" besides I want to see how they handle it.'
'Oh my god really? Now that's just unfair.' Me and dean looked down to see Becca swing her bat into the side of a vampires head.
'Holy shit dude that was cool.' Dean laughed quietly.
'I guess they don't need our help then.'
'Nah they got this. Where's the popcorn?' Dean asked. I turned back to watch the fight and it was rather enjoyable. Becca and Molly were happily chatting to each other about a party they were going to whilst slicing vamps heads off or smashing them.
'Ugh how many left?' Becca whined swinging her bat into another vampire, barbed wire ripping flesh. It let out a ear piercing shriek and lunged towards her. Molly ran up behind the pair and sliced the vamps head off.
'I dunno. Two I think.' Molly replied, kicking the head to the side.
I looked at Dean and he was smiling. He noticed me looking at him and turned his head. 'What? This is awesome!'
'Dean we should try and head over to that party they were talking about?' I stated. 'You remember where they said it was?'
'Ugh I think it's actually on this warehouse complex.' Dean said, not taking his eyes off the girls.
'Boom baby!' Mol and Becca giggled as they high fived. 'We need more dead mans blood. Please remember.'
'You're asking me?' Becca sighed. 'You literally just asked the wrong person.' With that they walked out.
'Right sammy lets go.'

Beccas POV
It was a minute walk to the other warehouse where the party was being held. Half way there we could hear the music and the ground was thumping with the vibrations.
'Ready?' I asked, grabbing Mol's hand and swinging open the warehouse door. It was dark inside but lots of strobe lights left streaks of red, blue and green. The music was even louder now which was awesome. Imagine dragons was playing and Molly started hitting my arm.
'My favourite song!' She screamed over the music and rushed inside. I laughed and followed her. That was when I think I noticed our friends. The party was fancy dress so it was kinda hard to tell but we as a group had decided to be zombies to you know keep the 'squad' as one.
'Hey guys!' I shouted but obviously they couldn't hear me. 'Mol come with me. I see London, I see France, I don't see no underpants.' She gave me a "really?" look but came anyway. We pushed our way through the crowd and finally got to who I thought was our friends. I tapped the tallest one on the shoulder and he turned around.
'Oh hey Becca, hey Molly.' That was Dan. Phil then turned around and greeted us. The whole squad was at the party.
---time skip like an hour---
Me, Phil, Dan and Felix were talking around the drinks table when PJ, Chris and mol joined us.
'Hey, how bout we leave and head back to ours?' Molly asked, wrapping her arms around the necks of PJ and Chris.
'Sure sounds good. You guys coming too?' I asked, looking around to our group. Everyone agreed and we pushed towards the exit. That was when I saw them. They guys from the cafe. They were looking directly at us and the smaller one was pointing. 'You fellows go on a head me and mol just need to catch up with someone.'
'Um okay? Keys please.' Phil held out his hand and I gave him our keys. I trusted Phil as he was the least drunk.
'Oooo who we catching up with?' Molly asked waving to Chris.
'Remember those two from the cafe yesterday?' I whispered pulling her over to the other side of the room. She looked confused for a moment then she remembered and hummed a response. 'Well they are here.'
'What the fuck... They stalkers?'
'How am I supposed to know? They could be.' We made our way over to them but when they saw us coming the turned and ran out the door.
'Hurry up!' Molly yelled as we pushed passed the others at the party. As we made it outside we saw their car driving off. It was that '67 impala again.
'No way.' Molly sighed.
' I guess we should do home then.' With that we walked home.

SUP HUMANS tis becca. How have yall been? Sorry it's taken so long but I've been busy. We have mock exams so the next chapter may be slight delayed as well. However after that it's christmas!!!!! So we can write quite a bit more then. Ps I know this is a Halloween chapter so close to Christmas but what can i say.
Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and hope you enjoy what ever it is your doing today.
Later humans Becca out

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