Chapter 2

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 As I awoke I was astonished, the area was so different to what I was used to. It was so bright, full of different shades of red and orange and yellow. And the leaves that fluttered on the ground felt like feathers. The sky was almost as beautiful as the night, the leaves crossed shadows across the land as sunlight dripped in, it was memorizing! 

 Suddenly I heard two sets of wings nearing ever closer, quickly I jumped into a bush, hoping that it would conceal my presence. As the two dragons landed I got to take a look at them, one was orange and the other one was yellow. The orange one had hazel eyes and the yellow one had green eyes. They were relatively scaly with brown horns protruding from underneath their chins and on top of their heads. The orange one seemed to be leading the yellow one to where I had woken up earlier.

They stopped where I thought they had been going, and the orange one looked around confused and the yellow one looked unimpressed with the other.

The orange one said "I swear that he's here, he must have woken up and hid"

The yellow one interrupted "Is this one of your stupid games, trying to get me and you alone?"

He said giving her a little look, the orange one paused from looking. She glanced back, a little red

"What? No! I just found this little hatching by the shore and put him over in the shade to cool down."

The yellow one rolled his eye's and started to help her look.Soon after the yellow and orange dragon started to close in on the bush I was hiding in. The yellow one was closer and was soon going to investigate my hiding spot, quickly I rolled into a sleeping position and closed my eyes gently, waiting to be discovered. I slowed my breathing as I felt the shaking ground get louder and more violent, and then it stopped.

One of the dragons said "Well, looks like you weren't lying. Wonder why he's here."

"Good job, you want a medal for finding the truth?"

"Shut up"

"Any who, what should we do with him? We can't leave him here, since he probably doesn't know how to hunt, let alone do a finishing blow, and we could take him to the others but they might kill him." 

That was where I didn't wanna hear anymore, if they were going to kill me then I'm out. I shot open my eyes only to find their faces in mine. Startled I jumped up and started backing away.

"Don't worry little guy, we aren't going to hurt you," and under her breath she said "*at least I won't*"while glancing towards the yellow one.

He huffed and said "he looks like Dirkiv, almost exactly, only he's black and this little guy is dark blue. Hopefully he doesn't have his personality, maybe I'll eat this one if he is!"

Scared, I felt my eyes tear up and then the orange one quickly snapped

"ZENAR! You're frightening the little one, Listen little one, I'm not going to let him do anything to you, also what's your name little guy?"

"I-It's V-V-Virklo" 

Smiling she said "Would you like to come to our home?" before I could say my answer Zenar interrupted

"NO." while scowling at me with an enraged expression. Pissed I stood my ground and said "Yes I would!"

A fire seemed to light within Zenar's eyes as his head swiftly shot at me, his jaw opened and a light of flame emerged from his trap. Fire surged towards my direction, as the fire was about to consume me I saw a green-ish liquid surround me like a force field. Soon following steam from the fire colliding with the liquid.

Frightened I shoveled into a ball and closed my eyes, wishing somehow it was a dream, with exhaust I watched as my sight again faded into darkness.

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