Chapter 10

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"Virklo! I thought you where dead!" She said while stumbling off me, jokingly I said "I would have been if you didn't get off me." She gasped sarcastically and said "Daddy he just called me fat! Ok then," she said while getting in a playful attack position "Let's go little kitty!" Oh hell no I am a ferocious tiger not a puny kitten! Quickly I lunged at her while her guard was off and we stared nipping at each other, eventually it got a little rougher and we started biting but I never actually bit into her skin, fearing the vines would kill her like the man back in the human village. Slowly we calmed down and she said "If your afraid to bite me don't be, I'm also part poison" I looked at her like she was stupid and said "give me something that is alive, preferably something I can bite into." Annoyed she tossed me a rabbit and it landed in front of me. Swiftly I lunged my teeth into the habit, piercing it's flesh. Then after a second I dropped it and its veins where outlined instantly in the black poison. "Is that what it looks like when you bite something?" She looked at me in astonishment and so did dad, "I stand corrected..." She said while backing away slowly. Fearing she was afraid of me I asked "Are you afraid of me? It's ok if you are, I'm used to it." Sorrow crossed her face and said "Yes I'm scared, but that gives me no reason to stay away from you. Hey what have you been doing while you haven't been with us?" "Mainly training but I've also been trying out healing spells and so far I've mastered fire and plant magic." Suddenly my sister burst out laughing and collapsed on the floor. Confused I looked at father and he said "There's no need to learn different types of magic if you already have it." Annoyed I changed the subject "Where's the others? I wanna visit with them and see how these been as well." Sis quickly replied " There out hunting right now, they should be back soon! In the mean time I wanna show you around, we've changed a lot of stuff while you where gone."

While my sis was showing me around I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching us so I hissed loudly so it would bounce of the walls and who ever was watching us, the vibrations from the Eco outlined another dragon, quickly I took to the sky's and attacked the outlined figure, we rolled for a little before I pinned him to the ground and got a better look at him, it was my brother! He was a little smaller then me but still, quickly I nuzzled my face into his and he was just frozen. Confused I got off him and then sat down, then my sister and dad came over to up and found my brother frozen and me siting next to him. They quickly came over to my brother and asked what happened, my brother said in his monotone voice "I was watching you guys talking to this stranger and showing him around, then the next thing I knew I was thrown on the ground being pinned by the stranger and he started nuzzling me... Who is he?" Me and my sister had the same idea, it's time to mess with our little brother! Quickly I responded "Why doesn't my little mate sense it? You do realize that your my little partner do you?" Quickly sister followed " This fellow said he felt a strong urge to come here because he sensed his mate, looks like he found you, I never knew that 2 male dragon could be mates but looks like the odds are in your favor huh? I'm so happy for you little bro! Your already found your mate and at such a young age too!" Surprised he asked "wait he's my mate?!? I thought only different genders could be mates!!" He started to freak out and run in circles, meanwhile me and my sister where on the ground laughing our ass off, while he was running in a circle he kept saying things like "How are we supposed to have children?!" And "How is this possible?!?" And things like that, eventually he caught on to us because we where dieing and dad finally told him while chuckling "Vern this is Virklo, your elder brother, he was the one who got knocked into the river."

His eyes widened as furry filled his eyes and he talked me "How dare you mess with me like that, be prepared to endure the full wrath of the gods!!" We tumbled down the hill and ended at the base, he was pinning me so to scare him I set my eyes so they would glow purple and black, afraid he jumped off me and ran over to sis while I slowly got up and stopped using my magic. He started to shake violently as I walked back up the hill quickly I said "Don't worry, I used a illusion spell to make it seem like I had glowing eyes, see," I said while 'turning' my feathers white. "Nothing to be scared of." with that said and shown he stumbled up to me and asked "Hey you think you could turn my eye color to blue?" I nodded and turned his eye color blue, excited he jumped up and down and flew off. "Vern! Don't bother them, they're gonna be here soon!" Sis yelled but he kept going unknowing of what she had said, after he left I turned my feathers back to my original color. After a couple hours Vern had come back with 2 other dragon's, before I could blink father and sis had rushed over to the dragons and Vern. As they talked I over heard that someone had gotten stuck under the meal they caught and tried to get her out but the prey was too heavy, after I heard that I launched myself into the air and screeched, as the outlined came back I found where the dragon was stuck and rushed over to her, it took me about a half hours flight before I reached her. (Virklo is 2x as fast as a normal dragon because of his training, aka it would have taken the other dragons 1 hour to get to her)

As I neared I slowed down and landed, but before I came into sight I waited a little before entering. Something was off, then about 10 seconds later a huge saber tooth tiger emerged from the shadows of the forest and started to near the female. From the look of the saber's eyes he had poison tipped fangs, if so she would die instantaneously when he bit her! Quickly while his feet where in front of her and he was about to kneel down, I jumped onto the prey and caught the attention of the saber. I stood there and gave him a death stare as I made my eyes glow that purple and black mix before, my pupils turn into slivers as I change my voice to Zex's and growl fiercely at him, its was very robotic because of Zex. :)

(You're gonna have to copy that link into the link box thing and his growl is seconds 21-24 which is what I wanted the growl to sound like)

After I growled the saber had fleed to the forest and I was left with helping the dragon stuck, which I presume is my sister, I don't really remember what they looked like so. Quickly I jumped of the prey and tossed the prey off her, she must have been in great pain since her hind legs were twisted in an awkward direction and she was whimpering. With haste I grabbed some herbs from my bag and created a quick remedy for a pain revealer and applied it to her legs, then I wrapped them in bandages and placed an acid barrier around her that was only potent enough so that if anything made contact with the bubble that it would get burned. After that I raced her back to the family.

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