Chapter 5

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As I started to wake up I thought, What did he mean famous last words???? After I woke up I felt as though my head was going to explode while feeling this immense pain.

'What's happening Zex?!'
I thought and he replied!

'right now your soul is about to finish combining with mine and samewise with our personalities. once this happens you will no longer need to worry, it will only hurt for a little while longer.'

Even though I couldn't see his face I felt as though it had a devilish grin on it, I knew that something wasn't right. Dazed I was unable to walk or stand and every time I tried I would fall on my side, and as the seconds passed I could hear a distant ringing get louder and louder and louder and louder, until it suddenly stopped.

'Is it over?'

I started to regain my senses, then while I was regaining my senses I heard a voice nagging voice.

"Hey! Sleeping beauty! How dare you call me your concubine, in what way are of higher standing than me! And I'm not your wife you bastard!"

"Could you shut up? Your quite annoying."

"EXCUSE ME?!? You kidnapped me, put me in cage, and left me alone with no food or water for 2 days while you put your happy ass to sleep! So tell me, how am I supposed to not be mad at you!?"

"Wait I was asleep for 2 days? And if you wanted to escape you could have just squeezed through the bars of rock, I'm surprised that you didn't try it already."

I said while stumbling over to the cage

"Also I don't know why you're so mad, I didn't call you my concubine."

"What do you mean? What happened to your eyes?"

"What do you mean, My eyes are perfectly fine, why, are they not purple?"

"No they are but when I meet you, your eyes where red... actually one of your eyes is Burgundy, I almost didn't see the difference."

I sighed and said as she slipped out the cage

"Sorry ... about kidnapping you and everything, if you want I can get you something to eat it probably won't be much but it's something."

"It's alright, Plus I think you need food more than me, I can see the outline of your ribs. Also, What happened when you woke up, you kept falling over whenever you stood up and looked like you were in lots of pain."

'don't tell her that we fused, if you do her soul might fuse with ours or worse, kill her.'

"I had a migraine."

"Oh, also whats with the personality change?"

"I.. have MPD, It happened when my mom attacked me, and I never had any social interaction before. It was like a sort of mental torture for me, at least it felt like it. Where did you come from? If you don't mind me asking"

"I'm from an area not far from where I first met you. It's not very colorful, it's more of a wasteland then anything, it's rare to find trees back home and water isn't that common to find, same wise with food. Even though it was hard at first to live there it eventually go easier to live in, considering our circumstances."

"What do you mean 'Circumstances'?"

"Can you keep a secret?"

I nodded and she continued "A long time ago, our lands were full of life, trees, animals, but one day and fierce dragon of golden scales had came to our lands, my great great grandfather had confronted him since he was widely known and told him to leave our lands. The golden dragon was very upset by his words and then left, but he had come back the next day with rage in his red eyes as he burnt down our lands with a green-ish acid. After he killed many of our kind and consumed our forest he said "You are never to insult me again with your pitiful words!" and left, all he left was a single stream of water so that we would forever remember his 'kindness'. He had no boundary on his pride and seemed to think he was the ruler of everyone and had no appreciation for life! If I were there and I was old enough I would have killed him!"

Is she talking about Zex? Her description fits him perfectly, I need to ask him but before I do I need to try and comfort her.

"Even if you were older, I don't think that you would be able to kill him, from what it sounds like, he was very powerful. I'm not trying to be rude but I'm just saying. But the past is the past, we can't do anything about what happened back then, but we could now! If your land is barren try to regrow the plant life, take seeds off the trees and plant them, them make sure that they are correctly watered and then just give them time to grow and after a while you'll be able to regrow the lands you once had"

As I said this I saw a sparkle light in her eyes so full of hope and excitement, I couldn't describe what it was but all I could think about was her face, my thoughts got interrupted by Zex

'HEY TWINKLE TOES! She's mine find someone else to like! I claim her as mine!'

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