Chatpter 13

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From now on when characters talk it will be like this that way it's easier to read and not get lost and when Virklo's personalities or Zex talk to him or Vern, they speak like this

After a couple moments of silence Terva's vines grabbed a hold of my limbs and my neck and quickly tightened, causing me to loose my breath. With the little breath I had left I asked 'what are you doing?! ' 'Go to sleep, I wish no longer to talk to you until you set your mind strait.' after that I had passed out. But then I woke up... What?

Virklo's pov

After a couple hours I was unable to find suitable prey, so instead I went to a lake near by. The water felt cold as I dipped my paws in it. Eventually I started to feel sleepy so I got up and started to head back home. After I took a few steps into the forest I suddenly heard pants as something had stopped at the lake and started to drink the water. Silently I turned around and looked at what was panting. It was a human! What were they doing here, it's so far from their base of operations. Unable to control my fear for my family I popped my head outside of the bushes that I hid behind and growled at her. Fear flooded her face as her eyes widened and she started to back away, 'What are you doing here?' I asked impatiently, she stumbled and then said 'y-you know how to speak my language?' 'Yes, I know how to speak you tongue. Now answer my question!' 'I-I'm just wondering, I was running around exploring the land when I stopped here for water.' 'Well leave, your too close to my homeland.' we stood staring at each other for a while until I got tired and showed her my point, quickly I picked her up with my jaw and flew into high in the air.

She started throwing punches at me until she saw where she was, she calmed down and I said 'The area in front of you is my homeland, the one with the rib shaped mountains. If I find any other human there I will not hesitate to kill them and you, do you understand?' she nodded and asked 'Can we go there right now? 'No.' I said as I flew back down, 'If you want to go there then fine, but I'm not flying you there.' she nodded again, then I took flight and went back home. To be honest I don't really care if she knows where we live, even if she got there she wouldn't be able to do much damage and my siblings might kill her before hand so if she wants to come here she can. After I got home my big sister ran up to me and started talking about how worried she was since he had passed out, but I reassured her that it was perfectly fine, his body just needed to rest so it can regain blood.

Eventually night time came and everyone went to bed except me, I wanted to talk to my brother when he woke up. It was about 2 in the morning when Vern woke up, he was freaking out so I quietly took him outside, turns out Terva had put him to sleep so he could wake up, I wonder what sparked this different side to Terva. Suddenly Vern had started to turn into the plant elemental and started to run in circles. What's happening to him? 'I can help you if you want, I can turn you into the fire elemental from before.' Merka said, 'This isn't a trick is it?' 'Wow, so much faith you have for me, I think you hurt my feelings.' he said in a pouty voice. 'fine, if I'm able to calm down Vern then I'll use any help I can get.' Then I started to turn into the lava elemental from before, surprisingly I was almost as big as Vern.

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