8. Lost In You

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Cas pov: 

We got home and Dean lifted me out of the car and into the house. "Night guys." He yelled to Blake and Grace. "NIGHT!" They yelled back and I got sat on the bed.  "You were a good little princess for Daddy today." He said and slowly started to slip off my princess dress. "I try to be good just for you." I gave him a small smile and he hooked a finger into my panties. Sliding them down inch by inch and kissing my thighs as he did this. I closed my eyes and laid back. "Good girl." He said and I moaned softly in response as my panties dropped to the floor and his hands ran up and down my legs. "Now what would my princess like me to do to her?" "Can... can daddy lick my princess parts?" He nodded and got on his knees. Pulling me to the edge of the bed and teasing my clit by slowly licking it, swirling his tongue around and making me moan really loudly.

"Singers really do it louder don't,they babygirl?" He said giving a low laugh and I blushed embarrassed. He slowly slipped two fingers into me while rubbing circles around my  clit with his tongue. I tried to keep my moans in so I wouldn't be too loud and daddy patted my stomach. "Moan for Daddy princess, I wanna hear how good I make you feel."  I let out a moan that I was holding in. He flicked his tongue faster and I bucked my hips at him and whimpered. "You're such a good little girl for Daddy aren't you". He hummed as he sucked on my princess parts. "Come on baby, cum for Daddy whenever you're ready." I gave a shudder and he started to go a lot faster. "It's okay baby, cum for Daddy." My body gave a violent shudder and I felt like I was on cloud nine. "Good princess." He said. I cummed in his mouth and he ate me out as I blushed. "Daddy. Daddy. This feels so good". When he was done cleaning me up, he laid over me kissing down my neck leaving a trail of hickies all the way to my breasts. I giggled as he marked his territory "Mine." he whispered angrily every time he left more hickies. "I'm yours Daddy. Only yours". I acted like I didn't like him being controlling and protective but in reality I was his and only would ever be his. He came back up to my lips kissing me roughly and massaging my breasts and slowly letting his hands roam around my body. "I think this is enough play time for you kitten." He mumbled against my stomach and I yawned. "You sleepy princess?" I nodded my head and laid down, curling up in a blanket and feeling myself slip into sleep.

Grace's POV

We got home from Disney World and Blake hugged me. "Are you sleepy?" I shook my head violently "Not at all." He looked at me "It's late beautiful, what do you want to do?" I thought for a moment. "Can we go for a walk please? I have some things I want to get off my chest and maybe we can stop at the corner store for a bottle of Starbucks coffee." he nodded "Of course we can love" I went to get my black combat boots and threw on one of Blake's dark grey hoodies. He put on a leather jacket and black and white converse and we walked out the door holding hands.

We walked for a few minutes and he lightly gripped on my hand in a reassuring way. "So what did you want to get off your chest princess? You know I'm here for you no matter what." "I'm overwhelmed, I miss Ash and all of Black Veil Brides and Jared and Jensen, but my heart doesn't feel whole. As if a part of my life is missing and god I don't know what it is and it's going to kill me. Not knowing is killing me. I think I want to go back on tour." I trailed off and he stopped. "You were in a band?" I nodded my head. "Yeah, music is my passion. I met a little girl at warped, she gave me a letter. It said that when her older sister listened to my band's songs she got happy. That slowly her scars were disappearing. I, I loved that feeling. Of being able to make people happy. I can't keep running, I want to tour again." I looked down at the ground as he stopped walking, silence filled the air, the leafs rustling in the soft wind the only sound to be heard. "Does it make you happy?" I nod my head. "I've wanted to be in a band since I was a kid, it's like a living dream."

He put his head down, I could tell that he was upset but just wanted me to be happy. "Are you sure you are okay with this?" He slowly shook his head. "Honestly...no, not really. I'm going to miss you and I want you to follow your dreams and don't want to hold you back from all of the great opportunities that you could have." I walked for a few minutes, trying to think of what to say back to him. "I'm not all that sure that it would even happen anyways, I would have to contact all of the guys and find out if they wanted to." He looked up. "Even if one of them doesn't, I play drums and guitar." He said shyly and I raised my eyebrow out of interest. "really?" I responded with wonder. He nodded "When I was younger I used to be really into it. I stopped playing for a while but I'm sure with a bit of practice I could get right back into it."

"Yeah, maybe. It'll just be rough with us being together and distracting one and other during practices." He nods his head. "Can we sleep on it tonight and decide in the morning?" "Yeah, sure. I'm sorry." I mumble and start to head back to the house. Blake trailing silently behind me, I opened the door. Taking my jacket and shoes off, I went to the room we shared and quickly got changed into an oversized batman sweater and shorts. "Can I sleep alone tonight?" Blake asked quietly from the door. "Yeah, sure." I mumble quietly and go out of the room, grabbing a blanket from the couch and a pillow. Laying down I hear him shut the bedroom door and my heart silently breaks more.

I lay for a few hours and then gave up, grabbing my phone I went through my contacts and found Vic's old number. I wonder if he'd even want to see me, he probably doesn't. Everyone hates me, even I hate me. I sigh and get up, folding the blanket and putting the pillow back. I pace around the room and then head into Blake and I's shared room. I grabbed my bags and put all my clothes back in. Quietly getting changed into black tights and throwing on a pair of socks. I grab my bags and put them on the floor of the living room. I took out a notebook and wrote in on a piece of paper.


I love you but I need to be on my own. I'm so sorry, I'll let you be. I'm just a bother to everyone. Don't look for me, I'm not worth your time. I'm worth no ones time. I'm so sorry.


I grabbed my bags off the floor and left $400 on the table so he would have a way home. I grabbed the keys to my car outside, because it just got dropped off here today. I put my bags in the back of my yellow VW bug and get in the front. Starting the car and driving off to Daytona.

I drove till I couldn't anymore and looked at all the scenery. I finally decided to stop at a motel. I had paid and got settled in my room. I pulled out my phone and texted my old band members. "I think I wanna tour again." I texted the guys including Jensen, Jared, Andy, CC, Ash that I missed them all. Although it was nice being away from home and reality for a while I really missed everyone and the dream life that I had planned in my head got too much for me. I texted Cas saying I was going back home, then set my phone on charge for the night. I lied down on my bed and thought of all that has happened in the last few years and all the people I had lost and gained. I went into a daze and slowly drifted off to sleep.

The next day

I woke up and got dressed, throwing on a pair of tights and a batman sweater. I looked in the mirror and shuddered at my bed head and threw my hair into a messy bun. Throwing all of my stuff that I used in the motel the night before back into my bag, then leaving to drive back home some more. I only had a few hours left until I was back home.

I noticed I was low on gas so I pulled into a gas station on the side of the road. Pumping the gas into the car, a girl walked up to me. "Oh my god! Aren't you in that band!" My little brother talks about you guys all the time. He hasn't been too happy since our dad died a few years ago but it seemed like the music he listens to gives him hope and puts light in the dark life he lives...and yes pun totally intended related to the name of your band." I giggled "Thank you so much, that means a lot to me." I walked into the gas station and paid for my gas with a big smile on my face. That's why I loved my job, I loved making people feel like they are worth it and that they shouldn't give up no matter how hard it gets. I got back I my car and blasted Pierce The Veil, thinking about Vic and all of the other guys. I honestly still had feelings for Vic but would never admit it cause I know that it would destroy Blake.

Hours later of driving, I finally pulled into the city that I had left a couple months ago. Everything was still in the same spot and I pulled into my apartment. I sighed and took a deep breath, preparing myself to go back to what I was running away from in the first place. I got out and grabbed my bags, going to my apartment and up a few flights of stairs. I opened the door to my room and saw my whole place had been re designed. A big leather couch was in front of my TV and the kitchen bar table was finally installed. I had bought this place for Ash and I to live in but plans had changed. I was going to surprise him with this after warped tour. My paintings were all hung up and even some of the ones I had in my room at home. "Surprise." I heard someone say and I jumped. I turned to my right to see my mom standing there. "I, Mom?" She gives a small smile. "Cas told me, I, I wanted to make things up and I figured this was a start." I smile and drop my bags. Rushing over to give her a hug. We were silent as we embraced each other, the moment being to precious to break. "Thank you." I choke out and begin to softly cry.

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