A Lie

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Finally Elrond finished stitching up the wound. He sighed as he watched the junior healers dress the wound to prevent infection. Erestor was talking to one of the captains of the guard about defensive action against whatever it was that had attacked them.
"We can't do a thing to protect Rivendell from whatever cursed being that was!" Erestor yelled at the captain.
"Why not? We are strong and can defend this realm from any threat!" The captain said stupidly. Everyone was extremely quiet for a moment as the captain started to realize how dumb he sounded. Elrond sighed again.
"We have no clue what we are to be fighting or how to defeat it. Have all the lights within the realm on at all times. It may keep the darkness that the creatures appear to live in at bay." Elrond dismissed the captain.

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