To the Feast!

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"I'm alright now, dear. Egamoth, for all that is holy, you'd better pray that the paint comes off or you'll just have to keep it like that forever. I swear, I married two elflings! Not a single adult thought an any of your heads, small or big!" Erestor bumped Elrond's arm that had suddenly hugged the other three elves on that couch.
"I'm not small!" Elrond stated softly.
"Compared to them, you're the adult today." Erestor stated, pulling everyone to stand, turning to look at the others in the room. "Do you wish to head straight to the feast?"
"In a moment, Ecthelion. I and my husband wish to have a moment together with our daughter. You take your gangle of elflings to the Hall. We will be a mom behind. Whoops! I totally meant a moment! Best to find the three other actual children first!" Galadriel shooed them away.
Ecthelion, Egamoth, and Elrond with Glorfindel in tow went in search of the actual children.
"What is it you wished to speak of, Ama?" Celebrían teased her mother. Celeborn laughed, almost unbelievably at the course of the night.
"Nothing. I just want to be sure that we enter after they have gotten to their seats. Celeborn, what have I always said to you betting against my uncle?" Galadriel sipped some more tea.
"Don't do so unless I wish to loose." Celeborn admitted defeat, holding up his tea cup to salute her. He truly loved the 'little' family he had married into.
"How much did you loose this time?" Celebrían asked, wondering at the bet. Glorfindel never lost a bet. She suddenly stood up with realization. "A BET?!"
"Yes, dear, please sit back down. A bet he is about to win in about three hours. We should retrieve a robe for Glorfindel for after the feast. Those two Maia sent us on our way here after accidentally giving the wrong drink to him instead of the antidote for a poison they put in his food. He had disappeared by the time they realized what had happened. We ran into Radagast the Brown, who admitted to seeing him and accidentally shot a spell at his shadow. Not a good idea when something is trapped in said shadow. Just three hours and it will all be okay as long as everyone is still singing and dancing. Did you know that Glorfindel never had a false vision? Celeborn doubted it would come to pass this way. Glorfindel simply stated that he'd write it all down. It's all right here." Galadriel handed the envelope to Celebrían, who immediately started reading it. She started to laugh.
"There is no way that will happen, right?" She pointed at the very bottom of the list. Celeborn nodded sagely.
"Of course, you nonbelievers. Never once has he been wrong. Fireworks at that moment would make it worth it. Too bad Mirkwood and Mithrindel will not be here!" She sang to them, a knowing look in her eyes.
"No." Celeborn and Celebrían heard elven horses entering the courtyard at the exact time on the paper.
"My dearest wife, your uncle wasn't serious about the consequences, right?" He asked weakly. She merely laughed in his face pulling them to the courtyard, Lindir already handling everything.
All the unexpected guests were hastily seated while Thranduil and his wife entered next to Galadriel and Celeborn, a brand new elfling held in his father's arms. Elrond and Celebrían shared a very understanding look. Somehow, Glorfindel had managed to open up communications with all three realms before landing himself into a humorous situation that would resolve itself because he had so many different plans.
"Welcome all, to a feast of Friendship and Family! We welcome old friends, new family, and a brighter future for all!" Elrond led the toast. Thranduil sat next to Glorfindel without missing a beat. The baby elfling opened up hais eyes and met the startling blue of Glorfindel's.
"Is that Legolas? The baby Balrog Slayer asked just a touch too loud, every single eye landing on them.
"Yes, it is. Thank you for the blessing of naming him so." Thranduil was beyond proud for his elfling. He waited until everyone was eating and talking before he shot a knowing look to Erestor and the quiet elf to his left.
"Tell me, Erestor, how does Lord Egamoth fair with his new gems?" It was a sincere gesture.
"I fear that I allowed my little mate to paint over a few of them, Thranduil. Thank you for sending the water paints and the new jewels and gems. Quite the collection. Half of the fun for Glorfindel is choosing which ones match my favorite style of the day." Egamoth's voice was barely heard but Thranduil understood, nodding knowingly.

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