•Chapter 30•

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I sat on Izzy's bed, staring blankly at a wall.
"What happens if they don't come back in time? Or if Clary won't give them the cup?" I asked, breaking the silence between my parabati and I. My gaze flickered to Isabelle, waiting for her reply.
"Then, I guess I won't be a shadowhunter anymore." Izzy said, looking down and picking at the loose threads on her blanket.
"That's bullshit!" I snapped, getting up. "What gives them the right to punish you for something as selfish as wanting the Mortal Cup! It's not fair!" I cried out, worried for my best friend.
"I know, Claire. But what else can we do? We're backed into a corner, and the only way out is for Clary to give the clave the cup." Izzy said, standing up and hugging me. I hugged her back tightly, burying my face into her neck. I let out a small sob, not being able to hold back my cries.
We staid like that for what felt like hours, both of us crying our hearts out.

"Jace and Clary are back. They gave the cup to Lydia, you're free to go." Alec said, bursting into the room. Izzy sighed, a large grin on her face as she stood up.
"You were right, they came back. You knew!" Izzy exclaimed excitedly. Alec hugged Izzy, his face sheepish.
"I didn't actually." He admitted. I smiled softly at the pair, quietly leaving the room.
As I walked down the hallway I felt a presence approaching and stopped, looking back to find the glittery warlock that I've know forever.
"Walk me out, would you?" Magnus asked, falling into step with me as I continued walking.
"Of course, dear." I said jokingly, linking our arms together. I walked him to the back exit, hugging him tightly before watching him leave. I sat down on a step, looking up at the stars for what felt like years before I was no longer alone again.
"I'm so sorry." Clary's light voice spoke, the girl sitting down next to me on the step. I looked over to her, my face void of any emotions.
"I want to say that it's okay Clary, but it's not," I sighed, "I get that you want to find your mom, but they're are other ways to do that then putting my best friend, my sister, in trouble."
"I-I know, and Claire I'm so incredibly sorry. It's just-"
"-just what? Just that your mom is the only important person in your life? I get that Clary, I really do, but Izzy is my other half. I don't even know what I would do if she wasn't there. I'm sorry Clary, but please-just stay away from me for now." I said before getting up and walking away from the orange haired girl that had unknowingly wiggled her way into my heart before wiggling right back out.

I laid in my bed, wearing only an old Tshirt that I had stolen from Alec, and clutching onto a bowl of ice cream. Tears streamed down my face as I blankly watched some typical heartbreak story.
"Oh god," Jace muttered, walking past my open door before turning back around and entering my room. He flopped down next to me, grabbing the spoon from my hand and eating the ice cream on it just as i was about to eat it. I looked from my bowl, to the spoon, to him, my muddled brain not comprehending what had just happened.
"But-but my-"
"Ah, ah, ah. Sharing is caring." Jace said, sticking the spoon back into my hand and turning his attention to the movie. I huffed, angrily stabbing my ice cream and bringing it to my mouth before turning back to the movie myself.

Guess who's back from the dead. I'll give you a hint, she's late by two months and shity as ever.

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