•Chapter 32•

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"Claire! What are you doing!" Jace yelled at me as I continued making my way to Ragnor Fell's house. I turned around and met his gaze.
"Going to the house?"
"And what, pray tell, are you going to do about the giant wall of fire?" I looked back before turning back to Jace.
"What the hell are you tripping on?" I asked before turning my back and striding to the house. It was only when I arrived at the door that I looked back, only to see Clary. Neither Jace nor Magnus were in sight, causing slight concern.
"Um, where did they go?" I asked Clary, who looked just as lost as I did.
"I have no idea," she said, before marching on and into the house, not bothering to even knock. I turned to follow only to be stopped by an imaginary force.
"No banshees allowed" a voice echoed in my head, a slight ache following it. Clary turned back to me.
"You coming or what?" I shook my head.
"I can't," I said, "I guess Ragnor Fell has a problem with banshees,"
Clary looked confused for a second before remembering what happened.
"Go on without me, I'll meet you back at the institute," I promised before throwing her my sereph blade. She caught it with ease and made her way deeper into the house.

Clary, Jace, and Magnus made it back to the institute more than an hour later. I was in the training room, practicing and training when they arrived.
"Claire..." Jace called hesitantly, walking into the training room. I turned to him, breathing heavily.
"Hey, what's up? Everything go well?" I asked, grabbing my water bottle from the ground and taking a few sips.
"Yea, yea. Um, Izzy was looking for you, I think she's in the basement," he said, stuttering over his words.
"The basement?" I asked, not knowing which he meant.
"The finished one," I nodded, setting my bottle down before going to my room, "tell her I'm gonna get changed and shower real quick. I'll meet her there in thirty,"
Jace called out his reply, leaving me to get ready.
When I reached my room I took a ten minute shower, letting the warm water wash away all the dirt and sweat. I then dried off before picking an outfit consisting of a pink "Girls Bite Back" sweatshirt, black Nike leggings, and all black converse. I made my way to the steps leading to the basement before jogging down them, only to turn around and jog back up when I saw who was really waiting for me. However, luck was not on my side as both Izzy and Jace stood at the top of the stairs, blocking my only exit.
"No," Izzy said strongly as I looked at her. I huffed before slowly turning around and walking down the stairs. My arms crossed as I stood a few feet away from Alec, my glare piercing. His brown eyes flickered away from me and he swallowed thickly, looking nervous.
"Claire,-" he started, shutting up when I glared even harder, "-look I'm sorry. I never, ever, meant to hurt you like that-"
"Yet you still did," I chimed in, my voice sharp.
"-and I did, like the ass I am. I'm so, so incredibly sorry Claire. I just, wasn't thinking, I mean I was thinking, just not of us." I scoffed.
"And that just makes it so better, Alexander. You about us, hell you didn't even think about what this would do to me! All you thought about was yourself. You're selfish Alexander," I hissed. Tears welled in my eyes but I blinked them away, unwilling to let them fall.
"My parents-" he tried.
"What about your parents! You're parents aren't you Alec! They don't control your life anymore!" I yelled, pushing Alec out of anger when he got too close to me. I slammed my hands onto his chest once again when he came right back, no longer being able to hold back my tears.
"You know what?" I laughed, "you've done something no one has been able to do all of my life. You broke me. You, Alexander Gideon Lightwood, managed to completely and utterly destroy me. And I hate you for that. I hate you so much, that I can barely stand to look at you right now," venom seeping into my words as I spoke.

I'm backkkkkkkkk, after two months, but I'm backkkkkkk. I decided to stop being a hermit and finally finish this chapter because it's been half finished for the past two months. Annnddd my birthday is in 2 days and I'm in an exceptionally good mood rn and decided that I wanted to write. So tada.

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