Half Frat Boy, Half Cat Boy

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A/N: Hey! Let me just start by saying that this is my first hybrid story, so please let me know whatcha think! It's also a boyXboy story so if you're not into that stuff, then kindly leave now. There's also gonna be cussing, self harm, thoughts of suicide, and slight violence, so be warned! I really hope you guys like it! Vote, comment, and follow! Love ya! <3 <3 <3

***Blake's POV***
I looked up at the building towering over. I grasped my hand tighter around the paper in my hands.
My acceptation letter.
My palms were sweating like crazy.
I chuckled to myself. I've never been nervous before.
I looked back up at the building.
Harvord University was written boldly across the front.
I took a shaky breath and decided I should move before someone notices me. Freshmen are always treated poorly, so I don't see a reason in giving an upperclassman an advantage.
I adjusted my Batman SnapBack over my head for the millionth time.
Damn ears. Making everything so uncomfortable.
Yes, ears. I am a hybrid. I am half cat, and have a fluffy black tail and ears to prove it. I'm not accepted so I have to cover my ears in a hat or style my hair around them every day. I keep my tail wrapped around my waist and tucked into my usually tight jeans.
I finally pick up my suitcase and walk towards the registration table.
A girl and a boy were sitting there. Both had bright smiles painted on their faces, letting you know that it's a beautiful day and they're loving life.
Makes me sick. I thought to myself.
The girl had blue eyes and long, straight, blonde hair. It was pulled back by a hot pink headband, and was so obviously bleached.
She really needs to re-dye it. I can see her roots.
She wore a pink skirt, a white long sleeve shirt, and a sweater vest.
A fucking sweater vest.
I snickered slightly.
I walked over to them and put on a fake smile.
"Hi, freshman! I'm Amy! Nice to meet you!" the girl's voice was laced with rainbows and sunshine.
I internally groaned, but kept my smile up.
"I'm Blake..." I trailed off.
"Where are ya headed, Blake?" She beamed.
"I'm not quite sure actually," I looked at my papers.
"I bet my super friend, Kyle, can help you find your way!"
Did she seriously just say super? Please kill me now.
I looked over to the boy, Kyle, who looked like the matching Ken doll to this plastic Barbie.
He had combed brown hair, light blue eyes, and a blinding smile. He had on loose jeans, black Jordan's, and a green football jersey.
Surprise, surprise. He's a football player.
"Hey, Blake! I'm Kyle! Nice to meet you!" He extended his hand.
I did the same and we shared the world's most awkward hand shake.
I showed him my papers and he nodded.
"Alpha Tau Omega, dorm 12 on floor 5. This way!" He motioned for me to follow him.
We arrived at a large building, slightly far from the main one. It was absolutely gorgeous. Very modern, yet still had a rustic look to it.
We walked up all five flights of stairs without any trouble. I chased stuff all day and he was an athlete.
I followed him to the door that had a large 12 on it.
"You are gonna have two roommates but nothing you can't handle! I'll be seeing ya, freshman!" Kyle waved and walked off with a smile.
I awkwardly looked at the door.
I really hope I'm the first one here.
Of course, the universe hates me.
As I opened the door I heard two different sounding voices.
I shuffled in and silently shut the door.
I awkwardly stood in the entrance and waited until one of them noticed me.
I heard footsteps coming towards me. I prayed they were nice.
A boy appeared with hazel eyes and shaggy ginger hair. He was surprisingly attractive for a ginger. He was wearing a blue hoodie that had 'Vas Happening?' written in black, and skinny jeans. He had black Vans and nerd style glasses.
He looked up and smiled at me.
He also had lime green braces, allowing his brilliant smile to shine brighter.
"Hey, you must be our third roommate!"
I nodded.
"I'm Drew Morlan. You are....?" he held out his hand.
"Blake. Blake Page." I said awkwardly, shaking his hand.
He smiled again.
"Great to meet ya, man. You seem pretty cool."
I smiled.
I like this Drew guy.
Suddenly, the second guy came into the main room.
He had wispy dark brown hair that swept over his forehead, almost covering his grey eyes. An olive green beanie accompanied his hair. He wore a black v-neck and loose hanging jeans. He wore white Supras on his feet. His toned muscular arms told me he was probably here for the sports, unlike Drew, who I figured was an engineering student.
He smiled and looked over to me, "Dolman. Anthony Dolman."
I grinned, "Page. Blake Page."
His smile grew and he extended his fist to me.
I bumped it with my own and then walked over to the bedroom area. They followed close behind, like a lost kitten.
Normally, I'm quiet and reserved, but I figure I'm stuck with these guys for a few years so I might as well be chill.
I started with the easiest question of all.
"So... Which bed is mine?"

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