Chapter 6

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***Drew's POV***

"Drew. Wake up, babe," Blake's perfect voice rang through my ears.

I slowly opened my eyes and was met with his gorgeous emerald orbs.

I smiled.

He giggled and leaned forward until his lips barely brushed mine.

I took the back of his neck and pulled him closer.

The kiss got more heated and he was playing with my orange hair, tugging at it and running his long fingers through it.

I moaned and felt him smirk into the kiss.

Suddenly, I rolled over and onto the floor.

I groaned and crawled back onto the bottom part of mine and Anthony's bunk bed.

Ugh, it was a fucking dream. Damn it!

I checked my phone and was almost blinded by the sudden light.


Damn. I have to get up in 7 hours and 47 minutes!

I rubbed my eyes and tried to fall back asleep.

Sleep finally took over.

This time it wasn't a dream.

It was a nightmare.

I was walking through the park and I saw Blake and Anthony.

My two best friends.

"Hey, guys!" I said, walking over to them.

They didn't say anything.

"Are you guys ok?" I poked Anthony's shoulder.

He looked at me, disgusted.

I raised an eyebrow.

"We know you're secret, fag," He spat.

"W-What?" I stuttered.

Blake joined in, "And we know about your stupid crush on me, you sick bastard."

Tears flowed down my cheeks.

"Oh great. Now he's a fag and a crybaby!" Anthony smirked, punching my shoulder.

I fell to the ground.

Anthony started kicking my ribs until I was spitting blood out.

The tears never stopped flowing.

A girl walked up and kissed Blake.

I felt my heart shatter into my cracked ribcage.

She was beautiful. She had golden curly hair, bright blue eyes, a flawless smile, and was wearing a white crop top with a teal high low skirt. Her heels were about four inches high and she had smokey eye makeup.

"B-But I love you, Blake," I say, my voice cracking at the end.

He scoffed, "How could I ever love you? You're a fag! Do the world, no, do me, a favor, and kill yourself already, you disgusting homo!"

I turned and I started sobbing into my hands.

I heard them walk away.

I looked at my wrists. Those scars were supposed to be there. He's right. I don't deserve to live. I'm disgusting.

I woke up, silently crying.

I grabbed my glasses and stepped out of bed.

I walked immediately to the spare bathroom, rethinking all the negative things they had said.

When I got there, I locked the door and pulled a razor out of the drawer.

I popped a few blades out and rolled up my sleeve.

I looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes were red and puffy. I opened my mouth and saw my nerdy green braces. My hair was everywhere. It was a hideous ginger that looked dirty and brownish. My irises were ugly brown and puke green with the same hideous orange my hair was.

I inspected the fading scars. I hadn't cut in four months.

I pressed the cool metal over a scar. I slowly drug it across, leaving a perfect crimson line over the old one.

The red spilled over and drenched my pale arm.

It was like a scarlet waterfall, temporarily washing away my pain.

I repeated this three more times.

I heard a rustling from the bedroom and I looked out the window and saw the sun rising.

I quickly turned on the cold water and rinsed my wrist until it ran clear. I patted my arm dry and pulled my sleeve down.

I sluggishly walked over to the kitchen, inspecting the contents of the fridge.

I found eggs and green bell peppers.

I started making omelets, trying desperately to push my nightmare out of my memory.

Heavy footsteps were getting closer from the hallway.

I plastered on a fake smile and continued cooking.

Anthony walked into the kitchen and saw the half done omelet in the pan.


He ran up and hugged my side, picking me up.

"Anthony! Put me down!" I started kicking my legs.

He set me down and sat on a barstool, patiently waiting for his breakfast.

A few minutes later, Blake trudged into the kitchen. He looked like a zombie.

He walked over and sat on the middle barstool, without saying a single word to anyone.

I walked over and set a plate with an omelet in front of him and sat next to him, starting on my own food.

He smiled up at me.

"Thanks, Drew." his deep voice was full of sleep and very sexy.

"No problem," I said, turning a bit so I didn't have to look at his perfection.

"Today we have to register for our classes. Then, we start on Monday." Anthony said.

Blake and I nodded, food still in our mouths.

We all finished and washed our dishes.

As we headed back to the bedroom to get ready, Anthony pushed past the two of us.

As he was running, he yelled, "I call the shower first!"

A/N: Heyyy! I hope you guys loved that chapter! Vote and comment! Love ya! <3 <3 <3

This chapter's question is: What is your favorite food? I like pizza. It's a gift from the gods! =D

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