Chapter 2

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***Blake's POV***

After we had settled everything out with the rooming arrangements, Drew decided we should "get to know each other better."

So, we started playing the question game, and honestly, I've never been more uncomfortable in my life. I didn't want to reveal too much, not now at least. I stuck to telling as little as possible.

Drew looked between the two of us before his calico-colored eyes landed on me.

"What's your favorite color, Blake?"

He had chosen an easy question.

"Green." I mumbled, looking down a bit.

I could sense he was smiling.

This boy like to smile. But something was off about it. I couldn't quite place it, though.

I took a moment to think of a question.

Finally, I got one and turned to Anthony.

"What's your favorite sport?" I glanced up at him.

He flicked his long hair and thought for a minute.

"Footba- wait no. Basketba- wait. Soccer? Shit, I don't know, man, I like them all." He laughed.

Drew started chuckling. Hell, I even grinned. Anthony's laugh was so fucking contagious.

"Drew, if you could be a superhero for a day, who and why?"

"Superman, because he's awesome."

I smirked up at him.

Superman vs. Batman, I see?

He raised an eyebrow than looked to us both.

"This is getting lame. Do ya guys wanna watch the game? Packers vs. Cheifs tonight."

Anthony nodded vigorously and I shrugged.

Drew went to go set up the tv and left Anthony and I in our room.

There was something off about Anthony. Not off like Drew's smile and overall attitude, no, Anthony just seemed different.

I hadn't known too many jocks though so I decided it was that. But there was still that little voice in the back of my head that told me it wasn't that.

He looked over to me.

"You don't talk much, do you, Blake?"

I shook my head.

"You're a bit shut out," he chuckled, "almost like a cat!" he started laughing.

My eyes widened before I straightened up my hat and laughed awkwardly along with him.

From the looks of it, he was most definitely not a cat person.

This could be a problem.

He walked around the room, surveying it.

"So, what's your major?" He said, casually.

"Zoology." I mumbled.

He looked up from the desk he was studying.

"Oh, cool! My aunt is a zoologist!" He smiled widely.

I put on a small smile.

"What about you? What's your major?" I asked, quietly.

"Either an art or music professor. Always had a fascination with the finer arts." He smiled, and I noticed he had two dimples in his cheeks.

I chuckled a bit.

"What?" He raised and eyebrow.

"It's just that I kinda pinned you as a jock." I smirked.

His mouth formed into an 'o' shape.

Drew called from the front room, alerting us that the game was on.

We rushed out and sat on the brown couch in the front room.

About half an hour into the game, an alert came on about a wanted fugitive.

"A boy, of about 16, escaped from the Massachusetts Correctional Facility today. He is considered dangerous and is to be turned in immediately if you see him," the male announcer said, emotionlessly.

A picture flashed up of a boy with shaggy brown hair and grey, lifeless eyes. He was wearing a traditional hospital gown. He had brown floppy ears barely sticking out of his cap. He was most definitely another hybrid. Probably a beagle or another hound.

I think I was the only one who noticed it, but then Drew spoke up.

"Guys, do you see that?"

"See what?" Anthony chimed in.

I just shook my head.

Drew paused it and pointed on the screen.

"Are those dog ears?"

"I doubt it. How would that even be possible?" Anthony moved his hands for emphasis.

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat.

Unfortunately for me, I had shifted onto my tail.

I immediately jumped up and yelped out in pain.

Drew looked at me in confusion and Anthony's expression was a bit of a mixture of confusion, shock, and sympathy? I couldn't tell.

"I... um...," I stuttered, "uh... I have to go to the bathroom real quick."

Drew raised an eyebrow and Anthony nodded before they both returned their attention to the game.

I ran into the bathroom attached to our bedroom and I shut and locked the door.

I took off my SnapBack and shook my hair out, leaving my ears to stand freely on their own.

I pulled my tail out of the top of my pants and looked it over.

The thick black fur sprouted in all directions. It didn't seem to have any damage, but it was still a bit hurt.

My ears were sleek black with light pink insides. They were very soft today.

As I was admiring my ears, there was a knock at the door.

A/N: Heyyy! What'd ya think of Chapter 2? I promise, a bunch more good stuff is on the way, but I have to set everything up properly first! Okaaay, so I've seen many other excellent authors do this, so I'm gonna ask a question after each chapter! This chapters' question: What's your favorite color? Mine's yellow =D Feel free to comment your answer ! Love ya! <3

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