Chapter 4

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***Drew's POV***

I tried calling Anthony again, but no luck.

"Why the hell isn't he answering?!" I shouted at my phone.

Blake shrugged, then adjusted his hat again.

I looked up at him.

"Where could he be?"

Blake shrugged.

He started picking at the hem of his white shirt. A nervous habit of his, I assume.

I paced around the room.

Analyzing what I know of Anthony, he couldn't be far. He doesn't seem like the type to just run away.

He was very serious about his education, so I knew he'd be back.

But, something about him did change a bit when he saw that boy on the tv.

Maybe, he went to go find him?

Maybe, he knew him?

Maybe, he knew about the boy's weird ears?

Questions swirled around in my head.

Blake cleared his throat.

I instinctively tugged my sleeves over my wrists.

"Maybe someone saw him leave?" Blake said, relieving the awkward tension in the room.

I nodded quickly and grabbed my phone and keys.

"You coming?" I looked towards him.

He nodded and grabbed his jacket.

As we were walking outside to my car, we asked different people if they'd seen Anthony.

I stopped the senior girl, Amy, who had helped me find the dorm.

"Hey, Amy?" I gently grabbed her arm as she was passing us.

She stopped and smiled.

God, her smile is so fake. What is she hiding?

"How can I help you, freshmen?"

I put on my own fake smile, "Um, our roommate, Anthony, left a bit ago. We wanted to know if you saw him?"

She stopped and thought for a moment.

"What does he look like again?"

"Dark hair, grey eyes. He was wearing a beanie, a black shirt, and jeans today." I said, quickly.

She thought again.

"I think I saw him drive off a little bit ago. Headed towards downtown, I think. He was driving a red sports car. That's all I saw, though," her plastic smile returned, "I hope it helps!"

I thanked her and we walked towards the car park.

The second we stepped outside, we got drenched in rain.

"Shit!" I exclaimed, throwing my hood up.

Blake quickly covered his head with his bare arms and hissed.

I looked at him, and raised an eyebrow.

"Which car is yours?" he growled through gritted teeth.

"Um... the silver 'Vette," I nodded towards my car.

He practically ran to it.

I chuckled at his eagerness.

I walked to the drivers' side and unlocked my door.

I stepped into the car and slid behind the wheel.

The second I shut my door, Blake started violently shaking his door handle, until I unlocked it.

He jumped into the car and slammed the door shut.

"I fucking hate rain," he mumbled.

I laughed a bit at him.

He shot me a death glare.

I gasped and scooted closer to him.

"Dude, your eyes!" I exclaimed, studying them.

His pupils had doubled in size, almost where you would think they were black, instead of their beautiful emerald hue.

"What?" He pulled down the mirror and looked at them.

"Holy shit." He stared at them intently.

After a few moments, we started our search for Anthony.

We looked all around the streets, the parks, the pond, and even in alleyways.

As we walked back to my car, Blake clung to the red umbrella we had to share.

He was really close to me.

I could practically smell him.

In fact, I could. He smelled really good. I didn't know what it was, but something about him was different.

We were about thirty meters away from my car, when Blake tripped and fell into me.

I reached out at the right moment and caught him, safe in my arms.

I stared into his bright eyes and he stared into mine.

I felt my face heat up, and something in me clicked.

I helped him back up and we walked to my car.

I looked over to him in the passenger seat and admired his perfection.

Oh, shit.

I've got a thing for Blake.

A/N: Well, that just happened. Haha, I hope you guys liked this chapter! I have a lot planned for the book, so stay tuned! Don't forget to favorite and comment and all that jazz! This chapter's question is: What's a weird quirk about you? Mine is that i never wear socks. Like, ever. =/ =)

Love ya! <3 <3 <3

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