Chapter 5

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***Anthony's POV***

I held onto my little brother for what seemed like eternities.

We finally let go and I looked at him for the first time in 9 years.

His eyes weren't a shocking blue anymore. No, they were grey, lifeless, and tired. His chocolate-colored hair was dirty, matted, and disheveled. He looked tired and filthy and didn't look like he could carry on anymore. He was wearing his old hospital gown from that mental institution he was sent to a few years ago. His little brown ears were pulled into his cap and I knew he couldn't hear very well.

I pulled off my beanie, revealing my own ears.

"Jasper, I have clothes in my car. I'll be right back, I swear." I started to walk towards the parking lot.

Jasper whimpered and grabbed my wrist.

"Don't leave me, Anthony. Please."

His big eyes were begging me to stay, but it don't work on me.

"Jasper. I swear. Five minutes."

He whimpered, but let me go.

As I walked to the parking lot, the same lie swirled in my head.

"Five minutes." I patted his head and walked out of the door of the institution, with my mom and dad.

I heard him whimper behind me.

"Don't leave me, Anthony!" he shouted.

It felt so wrong to leave a 6 year old boy at a mental institution. But, I had to remember why he was here. It was for his own good.

I shook my head, releasing the flashback from my memory.

I reached my car and pulled open the trunk.

I grabbed a pair of jeans, my basketball shoes, and my football jersey.

I walked back to the gate and easily jumped it, just like before.

I walked over to him and handed him the folded clothes.

"Thanks," he muttered and went to go change behind the rock.

He came back a few moments later, my clothes were baggy on him.

"Jasper, I have to go back home soon. But, I you stay here, I promise I will come back tomorrow," I said.

He hesitated, but then nodded.

I patted his hair, then walked back to my car.

Before I started the car, I pulled my beanie back on.

On my way home, I stopped at the grocery store and bought two 6-packs of beer so the boys would think I left for a reason.

When I got home, I was the only one here.

Shit, I hope they didn't look for me.

***Drew's POV***

We continued looking for about three more hours.

The sun had set a while ago and we were starting to get really tired.

I checked my phone for the time.

"Ugh. It's already tomorrow!" I sighed.

Blake yawned.

He was so adorable when he yawned.

Stop it, Drew. He's probably straight.

I already knew I was gay. I had been ever since I was born.

Luckily, my parents were very accepting and they loved me.

But, everyone at school treated me like a freak.

To make that even worse, I was ginger, had huge glasses, and bad teeth. Plus, I was the biggest nerd ever.

Light snoring coming from the passenger seat pulled me from my thoughts.

I looked over and saw him curled up against the door.

I smiled and drove home.

When we got there he was still asleep.

I looked at his sleeping body.

He was beautiful.

I shook all the thoughts out of my head and reached over to wake him up.

He groaned.

"What, Drew?" he grumbled.

Oh sweet Jesus, his sleepy voice is so sexy.

I cleared my throat, "We're home."

He groaned again.

Ugh, please stop doing that. I cannot handle it.

We walked into the house and into our massive dorm room.

I heard the tv on in the living room.

I looked up at Blake, and he did the same.

I felt my face heat up.

He started blushing, too.

I quickly looked away and we walked to the living room.

Anthony was sitting on the recliner, his back to us.

"I didn't expect you guys to come looking for me," he said, not turning away from the screen.

I was startled.

"Where did you go?" I said, sitting on the couch facing him.

He held up two packs of alcohol.

"Shopping," He grinned.

I rolled my eyes.

Blake's eyes lit up.

"Yeah boy!" he shouted, grabbing one from Anthony's outstretched hand.

They both started drinking their beer. I pulled out my phone and logged onto Twitter.

"Want one, Drew?" Anthony offered politely.

I looked up at him, "Nah, man. I don't drink."

He shrugged, "Suit yourself."

After they had gotten themselves slightly drunk, I decided to go to bed.

I walked into the bedroom and changed into some red pajama pants. I took my socks and glasses off and slipped into bed.

I pulled my sleeve up and rubbed at the scars on my wrists.

I could finally get some peaceful time away from the world.

Or at least, I thought it would be peaceful.

A/N: Heyyy! So now we know a bit more about the boys! But, there's a whole bunch more to them! ;) I hope you like this chapter! Vote and comment! Love ya! <3 <3 <3

This chapter's question is: If you were a hybrid, what type would you be and why?

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