Chapter 1

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"Love fades... mine has"

How could he say that to me? Did he not understand the things that I went through for him? Or had he been lying to me all along? I felt my heart and soul shatter into millions of tiny little pieces, as I sat there dumbfounded and looked at him.

"I should have either let you turn me, or left you as a strigoi. Because you are a hell of a lot more cruel now, than you ever were then. You want me away from you? You want me to leave you alone? Fine, I will grant you your greatest wish. Just remember, you asked for it." I stood up and walked away, not giving him the satisfaction of looking back.


"What in the fuck is your problem?!" Spiridon asked me.

"What are you talking about?"

"Do you have any idea of the kind of things that that woman went through to save you?"

"She didn't save me, Vasilissa did."

"Yeah, that statement right there just shows how truly fucking stupid you are. Your precious little princess may have staked you. But how did she learn to stake? How did she know where your heart was? How did she know how to get past your ribs and everything else? How did she know to charm the stake with spirit in the first fucking place? Did your precious princess chase down a fucking myth to change you back?!! Did your supposed savior go all the way to Russia, alone, to tell your family what happened to you? Did she go to Russia to free your soul? Did your glorious savior break Victor Dashkov out of prison to get the information that she needed to restore you?" Spiridon whispered that last question.

"Did that savior risk her life again and again and again to bring you back? Did she hunt down Robert Doru and force him to tell her how to return you to being a dhampir? Did your precious Vasilissa do any of that?!! Please allow me to answer that question for you, the answer is no she didn't. She did what almost everyone else did, she forgot that you even existed. When Rose left school, on her fucking eighteenth birthday by the way, to find you and set your soul free. Just like she promised you she would do, do you know what your precious princess did?!!!"

Mikhail laid a hand on Spiridon's shoulder trying to calm him. Taking several deep calming breaths Spiridon nodded, letting Mikhail know that he was all right to continue.

"Well allow me tell you what she did. She bitched Rose out calling her every name in the whole damn book for loving you enough to care about what happened to you. Then she tried to compel Rose, to get Rose to forget about you to forget that you ever existed and stay with her, to serve her as she said. It was Rose's place to care about no one but her, she was the person that mattered, not you, her. Now who do you really think saved your stupid ass? Well I will give you two guesses, and the first one doesn't even count. It was all Rose, not your stupid supposed savior. Do you know why she is helping keep you and Rose apart?"

When I didn't answer he continued.

"Well then by all means let me enlighten you, she is doing it to punish Rose, she couldn't give two shits about either one of you. You should see the look in her eyes when either of you says or does something to hurt Rose. Her eyes and face are filled with pure unadulterated joy, because of the pain it is causing Rose. Does that sound like a savior of any kind to you?!!"

I was stunned by everything that Spiridon had said to me. Could it be true? "No, none of that is true, Vasilissa saved me. I felt and saw her stake me."

"I said she staked you didn't I?!!! But everything else that was done, was done by Rose. Was it your precious Vasilissa that kept Eddie Castile from killing you in Las Vegas? I could go on and on and on but it wouldn't do any damn good. You are only seeing what you want to see. The way you think about and treat that woman... you do not deserve her or her love. I would give anything, any-fucking-thing, for a woman to love me just half as much as Rose loves you."

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