Chapter 15

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(APOV) Alto

If Rose was our new queen and Belikov our new king I was probably going to be in a lot of trouble. I had always thought that Rose would make a terrible guardian, she was always far too forthcoming with her words. And a guardian needs to know to always keep their opinions to themselves. Then there was the fact that she is a slut. It is a wonder she has not been knocked up by some stray moroi by now.


"Alto, my fiancée is not now nor has she ever been a slut!!!" I heard everyone in the room gasp. "Just because you wanted to sleep with her doesn't mean that she wanted that. She has never been with but one man in her whole entire life and I can promise you that he is not a moroi. I know because I am that man. And if you ever think of my fiancée and our queen like that again I will beat you to death myself!!! Do you understand me?!!"

"I didn't..."

"Yes, actually you did. I know because I heard your thoughts myself as well." Roza said. "I can't believe that you treated me that way all because you wanted to sleep with me. That is disgusting you are over twenty years older than me!! Have you thought about any of the females now on campus this way?!!"

Rose and I listened to his thoughts until he slipped. "Who is Rena Davis?" I asked Kirova.

"She is one of the novices in Alto's theory class. Why?" Kirova asked.

"He is thinking about her the same way he thought about my Roza."

"Are you saying... that he is a pedophile?"

This time I searched his memories, "he has not acted on it yet. But he... you son of a bitch!" Now I was furious. Standing I started towards Alto.

"Comrade please calm down you will wake Zoya."

"Roza, he watched you shower!!!"


I stood myself then turned and handed Zoya to Vika, "take Zoya and Paul outside please." As soon as the door was closed I rounded on Alto.

"You peeping tom bastard. You are hereby stripped of your title and you will not be allowed in or around any of our communities again. If you get near court, any of the academies or communities again you will be put in prison!! We will inform the Alchemists that you will be entering the human world and that you are to be classified as a peeping tom and a pedophile. Go right now and pack your belongings. Leave anything and everything that identifies you as ever having been in our society. And don't think that you can sneak anything because your bags will be searched before you are allowed out of the gates. As will you."

"You can't do that to me..."

"I can and I just did." I turned to my own guardians. "Eddie, Yuri, Emil, and Mikhail, please escort former Guardian Alto to his quarters and watch what he packs. Then before you throw him out the gates go back through his things and make sure that he didn't sneak anything in. Make sure that you also search him. Then physically throw him out of the gates, before closing, and locking them behind him."

"Yes, my queen." They all said as they bowed. Eddie and Mishka grabbed Alto by his shirt while Yuri and Emil grabbed his arms. Their rage was glaringly obvious.

I sat back down in my chair, "I can't believe someone watched me shower. I feel so... dirty."

"It isn't your fault my love. He is a pervert, apparently he always has been. I am so sorry milaya I should have watched out for you while you showered."

"It is not your fault my darling it is not something anyone could have anticipated. And you have always, always done everything in your power to protect me. From the very first day that we met you have protected me. So don't let some sick degenerate worry you." I tried to kiss away his worries. "It is a good thing that we insisted on specific guardians for Vika, Paul, Zoya and Jill at all times."

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