Chapter 14

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"I love you too baby, more than you can ever even begin to imagine. There should never be any doubt whatsoever to anyone we see or who sees us as to whom we belong Roza. Because I know that it is written not only on my heart and soul but also my face who is the keeper of my heart, mind, body and soul all in the palm of her hand. I love you milaya moya."

"And I love you, moya vtoraya polovina." (my soul mate) When I called him my soul mate in Russian, he was so stunned he stopped breathing for a few second. Causing all of us to laugh.

Looking at his ring he said, "it is so beautiful Roza thank you again my love."

"There is no need to thank me. I chose gold, because you are worth more to me than every ounce of gold that has ever been in this planet a million times over. I chose the sapphire and diamonds because they are some of the stones in the engagement ring that you gave to me. And I wanted us to match as closely as possible."

"You amaze me Roza. You have always been so far out of my league and above me that it is comical. I have never in my life been worthy of you or your love baby. But I can promise you that I will do everything in my power to become worthy of you milaya."

"You have always been more than worthy of me my love, it has always been me that didn't deserve you. Which is one of the reasons that I told you to go with Tasha. I knew that I would never be worthy of you. And I loved you so much that I wanted you to be happy. Even if I was miserable for the rest of my life."

"And you doubt that you will make a wonderful mother."

"Yes, I do." I sighed.

A few weeks after the new year the election for the remaining spots on the dhampir council took place, so once again both councils were solid.

Soon summer came and with it would be coming the Belikova's. Dimitri and I and the now our guardians. To which Alberta had taken up the head guardian post. So she had to get someone to replace her she chose Jonah Nolan from Lubbock Texas.

When he came to mine and Dimitri's suite the first time Alberta gave him a ring like the others. And told him he could never take it off as well as uniforms to match my other guardians. He was curious about the ring so Alberta explained everything to him.

We all stood at the airstrip waiting for the Belikova's to disembark. Olena and Yeva had decided to leave all of the big things in Baia. That way they could still go back for visits.

We showed them their new home and I wish I had the words to describe the joy and elation that they each showed. But it just isn't possible to put something like that into words. As Dimitri and I showed them throughout their new home they  cried.

"Roza, Dimka, you didn't have to do this." Mama sniffled.

"We know that mama but we want all of you to have plenty of room. And if there are more children to come this just gives them each a room. Plus, like I told Dimitri some of the rooms can be playrooms and guest rooms. Come on I want to show you the sun room, study and library."

"Sun room, study and library, Roza?" Dimitri asked.

"Yea I know I snuck those in, but I just couldn't help it. I know, you know, how we dhampir miss and love the sun. And this way even when it is not perfect weather they can still sit out in the sun. Yeva can even sit out here and knit until her heart is content." I laughed and hugged Yeva as I did.

"You my woman are just far too perfect and I love you so much."

"ya tozhe lyublyu tebya detka. But I am farrr from perfect as you above anyone else already knows." (I love you too babe.)

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