Chapter 16

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As baba led me up the aisle toward my groom, all I could see were my Comrade's eyes. They shined with tears of happiness and his love for me.

As baba placed my hand in Dimitri's he said, "you make damn sure, that you treat my baby girl right Dimitri. She has been through far too much in her life not for the rest of her eternity to be perfect."

"Abe, on my soul, I promise to try and make life as perfect for her as she is. I would gladly spend an eternity in hell to make her happy." Baba just nodded his head, pecked me on the cheek and took his seat next to Alberta. She was the 'mother' of the bride.

Turning to father Andrew we listened to what he said but our eyes never left each other's.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today, on this most joyous of occasions. To join in holy matrimony this loving couple, Dimitri Alexander Gabriel Belikov and Queen Rosemarie Marinique Rana Ivashkov. The bride and groom have decided to say their own vows." Father Andrew looked at Dimitri. "Dimitri you may go first."

Dimitri squeezed my hands before he began. "Roza, my Roza." He sighed happily and smiled his lovesick smile. "I have loved you from the first moment that I saw you. We have had a long and difficult road to get to where we are today. But I thank God every day that he saw us through it and that he made you for me, and me for you. When I was turned, you didn't give up on me. Instead, you came to Russia to free my soul and to tell my family what happened to me. As things would have it you were not meant too free my soul by staking me but by loving me instead. Which you have always done, and I thank you so very much for that. You went through hell to bring me back to you. Back home to your loving arms and heart, right where I belong. I know that I don't know everything that you went through to get me back and I may not ever know all of it. But I do know, that you went through it all because of your love for me. And the good Lord above knows that I have never been worthy or good enough for you."

I scowled jokingly at him as I shook my head and he laughed.

"But worthy or not I love you with everything that I will ever be. I remember the first time you told me that you loved me." He winked when he said that. "I felt as though my heart and soul had finally been set free from the cage that they had always been in prisoned in. Every day I get to be by your side is a blessing to me. I love you Roza, I love you so much that I can't even come up with words eloquent enough to tell you."

He placed one of my hands on his heart while still holding the other. "But it is all in here and though I don't have the words I know that you can feel my love for you. And with that in mind, I Dimitri Alexander Gabriel Belikov do here by vow to love, honor, respect and cherish you for all time. Until God sees fit to end the existence of time itself and after I will love you Rosemarie Marinique Rana Ivashkov, my Roza, my queen, my everything." Then he kissed each of my hands.

"Rose, you may begin." Father Andrew said to me with a smile.

"Dimitri Alexander Gabriel Belikov, my Comrade, my love, my king, my everything." Everyone laughed. "I have loved you from the moment that I saw you out that window in Portland. I remember every touch, every kiss, every word and feeling of love that we have ever shared. I have died more times than I care to remember. But I would go through it all again, a million times over, if I ended up here in your arms. You have given me things that I never even knew I wanted, things I never thought I could have. Things I didn't want, until I met you. Just looking into your eyes sets my heart and soul free. I never knew it was even remotely possible to actually love someone enough to be willing to give up everything for them."

I started to cry and he reached up and wiped my tears away with the pads of his thumbs. "When I thought that I couldn't give you the family that you longed so desperately for I tried to let you go with someone who I thought could. But thank God you were hardheaded enough not to let me." We both chuckled.

"Dimitri, I will love you until time is no more. Until there is no more sun, moon or stars. But in the meantime, I will promise to do everything I possibly can to make all of your dreams come true. From this moment on, I Rosemarie Marinique Rana Ivashkov do here by vow to love, honor, respect and cherish you, for all time and beyond. Until God sees fit to end the existence of time itself I will love you Dimitri Alexander Gabriel Belikov."

"With your promises made in front of the almighty God and theses witnesses. I, father Andrew Malic do here by pronounce you man and wife." Looking at Dimitri he said with a smile, "you may kiss your bride."

And Dimitri didn't need any further encouragement. He kissed me with all the love, desire, passion and need that we both always felt for each other. That we had, and always would, feel for each other. Then he hugged me tightly to his chest.

As we hugged I whispered in his ear, "I'm pregnant, daddy."

He quickly drew back and looked into my eyes and asked, "really?" I nodded at him. He yelled, "YES!!!!" Then quieter he said, "thank you Roza, thank you so so much." Then he lifted me into the air and spun us around. Throwing my head back I laughed with pure joy.

I listened to everyone in the church laugh and cheer at our antics. When he set me on my feet I looked over at Vika and saw her patting her stomach in an unasked question. I just nodded at her and she squealed, while jumping up and down. I placed my finger over my lips letting her know not to say anything. She nodded her understanding and Dimitri and I walked back down the aisle arm in arm, ready and happy to start our new lives together.

                                                                                     The End.

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