Chapter 10- A little art incident

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Okay, so I want to apologize. I haven't updated in forever. I got a major case of writer's block because I was so torn between two directions this story could go. So instead of toughing it out I got frustrated and quit. But, a certain fan messaged me and asked me to update. I had no idea anyone even cared anymore. So, thank you :)

Also, this is really short, like I said, writer's block. If you could, PLEASE COMMENT AND TELL ME YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTERS. If you know what I mean. Teams, anyone? ;)

Without further ado...


Chapter 10

(Anna’s P.O.V)

            After the lunch incident, Ellie and I were inseparable. I came to see that she really wasn’t quiet once you got to know her. In fact, sometimes I had trouble shutting her up. Just as I was thinking this, she came up and started chatting with me. I mostly just listened as she told me about things. She was so funny that way, completely comfortable with silence, but also a huge talker. We walked past the amphitheatre, where most people ate lunch. She stopped suddenly and gasped.

            Turning toward me she said, “Can we go to the art room really fast? I forgot I was supposed to help Ms. D with something.”

            I nodded, “Sure, I don’t mind.” We changed course and headed toward the VAPA (a/n: vapa stands for visual and performing arts) building. We walked through the door to see a rather frazzled looking woman wringing her hands. When she spotted us, her shoulders sagged with relief.

            “Oh, Rhielle. Thank goodness.” Ellie smiled sheepishly.

            “Sorry Ms. D. I forgot.” Miss Denrocher smiled warmly.

            “No matter now. Well, we better hurry.”

            “I’ll be right back, okay?” Ellie asked. I nodded to show her I would wait here. The two rushed out of the room. As I was going to plop down in a seat, I realized there was another person in here. He was sitting at a table, hunched over a paper. My curiosity getting the better of me, I approached to see what he was working on. I gasped audibly when I saw the drawing. It was beautiful. It was a girl, with black wings, done in charcoal. It was so detailed it almost looked like a photograph. The boy turned around as I made noise. I found myself staring into a familiar pair of beautiful blue eyes.

            “Alex?” I asked, at the same time he said,

            “Anna?” He spoke first. “I had no idea you went here.”

            “Yeah, I didn’t know you went here either. That’s beautiful.” I said genuinely, nodding toward his drawing.

            He flipped the sketchbook closed, blushing slightly. “Thanks.” He mumbled. We heard a shriek and a loud crash. We looked at each other in alarm before racing through the door Ellie and Ms. Denrocher had disappeared through.

            When we reached the room, I couldn’t help but let out a startled chuckle. Rhielle had been helping to put away bags of what looked like powdered plaster. The crash was one of the metal shelves slipping. The shelf happened to have an open bag sitting on top. Needless to say, the stuff was everywhere. Rhielle was still on the ground, looking slightly shell-shocked. She looked at Ms. Denrocher and blinked slowly before she started to crack up. Her laugh was infectious. After our laughter had subsided, Alex and I helped the two up and into a washroom so they could get the white stuff out of their hair and clothes.

            We started to sweep up the plaster, but soon realized that it was just throwing it into the air. Soon, we were covered in a light dusting as well. Alex had his eyebrows pulled together in a puzzled ‘how the hell did this happen’ kind of look. He looked so cute, I let out a little giggle that was completely unlike me.

            His gaze shifted to me. “What?” he asked. I sobered up instantly.

            “Oh--nothing.” I didn’t want him to know that I had been staring. He gave me a ‘yeah-right’ look. “Uh, you have a little,” I pointed at my hair, “something there I think.” He reached a hand up to his hair, and a mischievous glint entered his eye. Suddenly, he shook his hair out all over me, covering me even more.

            I let out a little noise of indignation before scooping some plaster from the ground to throw at him. Soon, it turned into an all out battle. We lobbed the powder at each other for what seemed like hours, until the bell brought us back to our senses.

             We looked at each other. I realized that we would have to go to class like this. “Oh, shit.” There wasn’t really anything we could do, though. I rushed to grab my backpack and get to class. I had to walk back past the amphitheatre, unfortunately, and I saw the boys. I tried to get past without them noticing, but being fairly tall and covered in plaster didn’t really help me go incognito.

            They fell into step beside me. I tried to ignore them. I just wanted the stunned silence to last long enough for me to make it to class. Unfortunately for me, Robby recovered. His voice trembling with laughter, he asked “What did you do, decide to go roll around in some coke or something?”

            I rolled my eyes, I already knew I looked ridiculous. “Yup, that’s me, the druggie.” I replied. I glanced around and realized I was headed in the wrong direction. I cursed under my breath.

            “A druggie with a wicked tongue.” Cole piped in. “But seriously, what happened?” he questioned. I sighed in defeat as the final bell rang. I might as well explain, seeing as I was already late.

            “I was with Ellie, and then she left and I was with Alex, who apparently goes here by the way, and then there was a crash and there was plaster everywhere and we tried to clean it up and just ended up making it worse and then we had a plaster fight and then the bell rang and now I’m here.” I said in one long breath. They all started to speak at the same time.

            “Who is Ellie?”

            “A plaster fight?”

            “Who the hell is this Alex kid?”

            I let out a little yell, and they finally shut up. I started answering the questions one by one. “Ellie is my friend. Yes, we were throwing plaster at each other, it was really fun actually. And Alex was our waiter, do you remember him? I ran into him and we started talking and kinda hit it off. He goes here. He was in the art room when I went with Ellie.” I paused to see three very different expressions.

Robby still looked like he was trying not to laugh, Cole still looked curious, and Leon looked…angry?


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2012 ⏰

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