Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

(Anna’s P.O.V)

I woke up to the sun streaming through my window, as I did every morning during summer. I laid in bed, trying to find reasons to get up. I needed to go school shopping today. Ary needed to be fed and walked. I tried to focus on the mundane tasks I needed to do, but nagging little thoughts would always find their way into my head.

I looked over at my dresser, where her—my mother’s—old jewelry box sat, locked. I suppose it was mine now, now that she wasn’t—no. I wouldn’t think about that. I wouldn’t think about how she was gone, or how I would never be able to talk or laugh with her again. No, I would just think about today. What I had to do to keep up the façade, survive the day, and then I could fall apart at night.

I reluctantly pulled myself up from my bed and stumbled to the kitchen to get food for Ary. As soon as I poured the food into her bowl she came running. I couldn’t help but smile as her claws click-clacked against the wood floors. Ary was one of my last joys in life, she was a fun, loving, husky. As she noisily dug into her food, I contemplated eating something myself, but just the thought of food made me queasy. That was happening a lot lately.

With a sigh I went back upstairs to shower and get dressed for the day. I was still getting used to living at my Dad’s house since Mom died, and it took me a few minutes to remember where everything was.

After I had showered and changed, I glanced at the clock to find that fortunately it was only nine. Dad wouldn’t be getting up until at least 10:30. I tried to avoid him at all costs. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my father, but I didn’t particularly like him. He had a lot of mental and emotional problems, and he dumped most of them on me. In general I just didn’t like being around him.

Anyhow, I had a lot to do today. So, I grabbed my keys and slipped quietly out the door. After I got my school shopping out of the way, it was after eleven. I couldn’t go home, because Dad would be awake, but he wouldn’t have left for work yet. He was self employed, and therefore had extremely flexible hours. (Unfortunately for me). So I headed over to the bookstore to browse around.

Before I knew it was hours later, my arms were full of books, and I was absolutely out of money. I headed home and mercifully found it empty. I was kind of lonely now though, I had to change schools, cities, and I didn’t know anyone. Not that I had a ton of friends before, but now I had absolutely no one but Ary. My mind jolted as I thought of her. She needed to be walked.

I whistled for her, and she came running. I tried to get her calm enough so that I could put her leash on and she ended up knocking me to the ground before I could. At last, we were able to head out the door. I didn’t know the area very well, but it didn’t seem particularly dangerous or anything, especially after living in an apartment in San Francisco with my mother.

I felt the pang of loss that I always did when I thought of her, but I kept the tears from spilling over. That would come later tonight, when I was alone. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn’t realize I was in a park until I bumped into someone.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” The apology just whipped itself out, automatically. I looked up into the face of a boy who looked to be around my age; 17 or so. He was handsome, with dark brown hair that looked almost black, sharp features, and the most curious eyes. At first I was sure they were hazel, but as I looked closer I realized they were actually yellow.

“Oh, it’s my fault.” He said, giving me a little smile. “And who is this?” he bent down to pet Ary. She was overly enthusiastic about getting attention from him, and nearly knocked him over.

“Ary!” I scolded.

“She’s beautiful.” He said, looking me in the eye as he did. I sensed there was a deeper meaning, but I chose to play dumb. I couldn’t trust him. I didn’t need another source of disappointment.

“Thanks,” I said a little smile on my face “I’ve had her for years. She’s my baby.” I patted her head affectionately. Right after I read the situation immediately. Either there was going to be an awkward silence, or we were going to babble.  

Getting myself away before either could happen, I said “Well, we need to head home. It was nice meeting you.” I knew we hadn’t really met, hadn’t even exchanged names, but I figured it would be best to just not get involved at all.

Unfortunately for me, he had other plans. As I was turning away he replied “Wait! I don’t even know your name.”

I sighed, knowing that I couldn’t get out of this one. “It’s Anna.” I stated before turning and hurrying away.

I needed to get out of there, and fast. I didn’t handle it with the usual finesse, but something about him made me curious and uncomfortable at the same time. It was like he knew how to play his cards as well as I did. And he played very well. I couldn’t see him again, that was for sure. He played much, much too well.


I feel bad that it's so short, and that I'm late. So, I'm sorry. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it, though I know it was kind of boring. This was just to help you get a feel for her, the way she thinks. Oh and please comment! Even if it's negative I would LOVE feedback. Thanks!


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