No One Is Safe

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Song: Let Them In - PVRIS


This is a new blog I like to call Ridgewell Exposed. I have dedicated this blog to showing you what it is like at Ridgewell High School.

I don't know what you've heard about it and the people there, but anything good is a lie. It's a horrible place, somewhere I wouldn't want to send my children, if I had any. It's not the school itself, or the teacher, but in fact the other pupils of the school.

It may seem like a typical high school, with all the clichés, disrespectful kids, kiss-ups, bullies and all the other things, and it is, but on a much bigger scale. The kids here are brutal. Once a rumour has started, it's hard for people to forget it here, and it ends up being the talk of the school for months.

You may be wondering who I am and how I know all this. The only clue I will give you is that I go to the school and have witnessed first hand just how horrible the people here can be. So I have made it my job to do the same to them.

Welcome to Ridgewell Exposed.


It was the talk of the school. Everyone had heard about it. Ridgewell Exposed. Someone had posted a link on Facebook, or tweeted about it, and it has spread like wildfire since then. Nobody knows who is behind it, but right now, I don't think people care. It's all probably a joke or something. It's probably Chris, if I had to make a guess. He seems like the type of person to do this.

I walked in through the front doors of the school and towards my locker. I could hear parts of conversations, mainly about this new blog. Whoever it was wasn't joking when they said that rumours become the talk of the school for months. The only way they really go away is if there is a new rumour started, and most people like to make them up to take the focus away from them. That's how it works at this school; you never know when you will be the victim. Although it is less likely to be me.

I'm not what you would call popular, but I'm definitely not hated. I have quite a few friends, and a few girls have crushes on me, although they are usually the year 8's and 9's, but a couple in my year do like me. People don't bother spreading things about me because I don't really care, and a couple of people are scared of me, not that I've given them any reason to be.

I arrived at my locker to see the usual people there, Charlie McDonnell and Alex Day.

"Alright guys." I said when I reached them.

"Hey." Charlie said.

"Alright." Alex greeted. I opened my locker to grab the books I needed as Alex started talking.

"So, have you heard about that blog? Ridgewell Exposed or something." He asked.

"Yeah, that's what everyone's been talking about." Charlie said.

"Do you think it's real though?" I asked as I pulled my head out my locker, I really need to stop putting important things so far back.

"I think someone's just having a laugh." Alex said.

"But it could be real." Charlie said. Alex gave him an 'are-you-serious?' look. "What? It could be. We don't know." He said.

"He's got a point." I said to Alex.

"You don't believe it as well, do you?" He asked me.

"I don't know. I mean, do you know who runs it?" I asked.

"Well no, but it's obviously fake. Who would know secrets about all of us? People aren't stupid enough to tell anyone because they know what will happen." Alex said.

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