Are You Shocked?

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Song: Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana

It's that time of the week again.

Let's keep the theme of relationships again this week. This week, it's pretending you are in a relationship. This person hasn't exclusively been telling people he's in a relationship, but if asked, he would tell you he was. Who is this, you ask. Well, he seems quite quiet, and he is, which is why you wouldn't suspect a thing.

Pj Liguori is a nice person, but that doesn't mean he should be left out of this. When asked, Pj has said that he has a boyfriend, but is that really true? If you asked his best friend, Chris, he would say the same thing, because Pj would even lie to him. But is he doing it just because he can? Or is it because he is hiding something else?

We all know that Chris and Pj are close, but just how close are they? By paying close attention, you could probably see that one, if not both, of the want something more than the friendship they have. But which one is easier to spot? Pj, of course. While Chris may not see it, I can, and I bet a load of you do too. No secret is safe, and Pj is the sixth to be exposed.


I almost pulled a sickie today because I didn't want to see anyone's reactions, but I decided that it might look suspicious if I don't go in. so here I was, walking through the corridor, listening to all the whispers, picking out a few words. As always, I get to my locker and was greeted by Charlie and Alex.

"Alright mate." Charlie greeted.

"Hey." I said, opening my locker. I went to grab my books, but stopped, turning to look at Alex who hadn't said anything. I gave Charlie a confused look.

"He's trying to see if he can notice that Pj likes Chris." Charlie told me. I nodded, then turned back to my locker, trying to hide my face in it.

"Now that it's been pointed out, I can see it. But maybe Pj is showing it more because Chris knows now." Alex said after a few moments.

"Are you done now?" Charlie asked.

"For now, yes. But we have English first." Alex told him. Just as he said that, the bell rang. "Let's go." Alex said, walking on ahead.

"I swear, he lives for the gossip." Charlie said. I only nodded, giving him a small smile. "You alright?" He asked me.

"Fine. I just didn't sleep that well last night, and I feel a bit sick." I lied.

"Well we have English now, so that should distract you." He said.

"Yeah, it will." I said, knowing full well it wouldn't.

We walked down the corridor to our classroom. When I walked in, I immediately noticed that Chris was already in his seat. Usually he came in right before the bell went. I also noticed that Pj hadn't come into the room yet. I walked past Phil's table, seeing the small smirk on his face out the corner of my eye. I chose not to look at him, and instead carried on to my seat. Just as I sat down, Pj came into the room. Everyone went silent, which caused him to stop in his tracks before slowly walking to his seat. I saw Chris look over at him, then look back to the front.

"So..." Jack trailed off. "How was everyone's weekend?" He asked.

"Seriously?" Chris asked.

"What? I'm asking a question." Jack said.

"Cant you just get the interrogation over with?" Pj said.

"Alright, fine. Is it true?" Dean asked.

"What bit?" Pj questioned.

"That you don't have a boyfriend."

"No, I don't have a boyfriend." Pj told us.

"And what about liki–" It was at that moment that Miss Grainger decided to walk in.

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