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Song: Give It Away - Red Hot Chili Peppers

Here we are again, that time of the week when you get your weekly gossip.

This week, the topic is pregnancy. You're all shocked now, aren't you? I bet you're all wondering who's pregnant. Well, it's not someone who is pregnant, but rather someone got someone else pregnant.

There is an all girl's school about 20 minutes away from here, and everyone knows the reputation of that school. Well, one girl in particular had a bit of fun a while ago with someone from Ridgewell. Who is it, you ask? Charlie McDonnell.

Bet you didn't expect that one, did you? Charlie seems so innocent, yet he clearly isn't. Does he even know he's going to be a dad? Will he support her? Or will he just walk away? Only time will tell. No secret is safe, and Charlie is the seventh to be exposed.


I'm going to kill him. Just when I thought he was a nice person, he goes and does that. He didn't even tell me he was posting that! He didn't even tell me he knew anything about Charlie!

I stormed into school, not even bothering to go to my locker and instead headed straight for the library. I pushed open the door with a bit too much force as it hit the wall, startling the librarian. I didn't apologise, just carried on walking to where I knew Phil would be.

"Are you joking? Are you actually kidding me?" I asked in a loud voice.

"What?" Phil asked.

"Are you serious? Why would you post that?" I asked.

"The thing about Charlie?" He asked.

"No, the thing about the ducks." I said sarcastically. "Of course the thing about Charlie." I said.

"What's wrong with that?" He asked.

"He's my friend." I told him.

"So? I said I wouldn't put yours up, I didn't say anything about your friends." He said.

"I can't believe you. Just when I thought you were actually a nice person, you go and do this." I said, running my hand through my hair. He didn't say anything, instead he looked down.

"I'm sorry, but if I have dirt on someone, then I'm going to po–"

"What's he ever done to you?" I interrupted.

"Nothing but I–"

"So why do you need to post something about him?" I interrupted again.

"Because it's only fair!" He shouted. "He didn't stop anyone hurting me either, even when he was right there and could have stopped it, he didn't!" Phil cracked. We were both silent for a bit. The bell for first lesson went.

"Please, just take it down." I almost begged. "It's a lie." I told him.

"I'll tell you what," He said, calmer now. "If you get me proof it's fake, I will make a post about it." He offered. I looked at him.

"Fine." I said, then left the library. I practically ran to my lesson as I was running late.

"Ah, Daniel. Nice of you to join us." My teacher said. I rolled my eyes and sat down. I spent most of the lesson staring at the clock, waiting for the lesson to be over so I could find Charlie and talk to him.

When the bell finally rang, I rushed out of the classroom and straight to the class I was sure Charlie had. Just as I got there, I saw him rushing down the corridor. I ran after him, hoping to catch up to him.

"Charlie!" I shouted as he walked down the corridor. He stopped and turned round before starting to walk again. I ran after him and managed to catch up to him, putting my hand on his shoulder to stop him.

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