Does Age Matter?

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Song: Rebel Yell - Black Veil Brides

Back again? Well you're in for a treat.

It's usually frowned upon do be dating someone with a massive age gap between you when you're in high school. So what about if someone told everyone they weren't allowed a boyfriend because their parents said so, yet is dating someone who is 21. How would you feel about that? But, I mean, who would do something like that anyway? Just ask Emma Blackery.

She's 16 and just barely legal, yet I'm sure she has been going out with a guy, who is aged 21, since before then. Not much before, only a couple of months, but she was still underage.

But why would she lie about not being allowed to date? To cover up the fact that she has a boyfriend that is 5 years older than her, something her parents don't know. Tut tut Emma. But now the whole school knows, so who knows how long it will be before your parents find out. No secret is safe, and Emma is the third to be exposed.


This was become routine now. Every Monday I would walk in school gates and hear the latest gossip from the blog about 20 times before I even make it into the building. Some of the things I was hearing this morning were particularly horrible. The words 'slag' and 'whore' were muttered a few times. I reached my locker, and I could already hear Charlie and Alex talking about it.

"Hey man, did you hear?" Alex said.

"About 20 times." I said, opening my locker.

"Do you think she'll show her face today?" Alex asked.

"Who knows." I said. The bell rang for first lesson, Maths. Charlie and Alex weren't in my class, and neither was Emma, so I wouldn't know if she was in today until English later.

Maths passed by quickly, mainly because I actually understood the work today, which was something new. At break I met up with Charlie and Alex,

"Do you know if she turned up?" Charlie asked.

"She's not in my class." I said.

"She wasn't in mine either." Alex asked.

"I guess we'll find out next lesson then." Charlie said. The bell rang soon enough and we made our way to English. I looked over to her usual seat, but she wasn't there. Then again, most of the class wasn't, only Phil, but he was always here early. He had his head down, writing something in a notebook. The rest of the class filed in and we all took our seats. Near the back of the group of people, I noticed a girl with her head down, looking at the floor. It was Emma. She had decided to come in today. She quickly rushed to her seat, which happened to be on the table in front of me.

"Well at least we know it's not you." Alfie said to Emma as he walked past to sit down. He pulled out the list of people and crossed Emma's name off.

"Is it true though?" Dean asked, his voice quiet because Miss was actually here this time. Emma didn't answer for a minute, then subtly nodded her head, and if you hadn't been paying attention, you wouldn't have see it.

Miss Grainger started the lesson, setting us our work to complete, then started doing something on her computer.

"Why?" Alfie suddenly asked. Emma turned around, knowing it was directed at her.

"Why what?" She asked.

"Why did you tell everyone you weren't allowed to date?" He asked.

"For the exact reason the blog said." She said.

"Well why are you going out with someone 5 years older?" Dean asked.

"Why would you go out with someone Dean?" Carrie asked as she walked over, pretending to be getting something from the back of the class.

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