~ Chapter Four ~

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Justin felt Jordan shuffle around on his side of the bed but he kept his eyes closed. He was really tired and he didn't want to wake up quite yet.

It was Jordan's day off today so he wondered why he was waking up at what Justin assumed was an early time in the morning but he couldn't bring himself to wake up long enough to care. He brought his hands up and tucked them underneath his cheek and snuggled back into himself as he drifted off back to sleep. The bed dented and then Justin heard Jordan stand up and then the sounds of his naked feet walking away into the en suite bathroom. He took the moment to crack his eye open and check the time on his phone that was on the bedside table.

It wasn't as early as he first thought. Half past nine on the dot and Justin mentally groaned as he stretched his arms out in front of him. Looks like he's getting up as well. He pushed the duvet back a little and sat up and looked around blearily. He rubbed his eyes tiredly and crawled over to Jordan's side to peak his head around the bathroom door to see what he was doing.

Jordan came walking out the bathroom just as Justin attempted to look in and he smiled at the tired man on the bed.
"Morning baby. What are you doing?" Jordan chuckled as he shuffled over to him with a smile on his face.
Justin shrugged.
"Nothing. I just woke up." He replied tiredly and he was glad to hear that his voice was a lot more clearer now. He was yet to see the bruise but bruises can be covered so he didn't worry too much about it. Jordan apologised so all is well.

Jordan crawled onto the bed next to him and crawled up to him. His smile was cheeky and Justin watched his eyes travel along his body as he gently pushed Justin backwards so he fell back and lay on his back as Jordan climbed on top, hovering over him as he grinned down at him. Justin looked up at him and smiled slightly as Jordan leaned down and kissed his lips before pulling back.
"You're so sexy." He mumbled as he leaned down again and planted numerous kisses on Justin's neck. Justin blushed a little as he extended his neck to give Jordan more room and he lifted his arms up to wrap around the back of Jordan's neck.

Jordan kissed along Justin's bruise and than back up along his jawline causing Justin to let of a soft moan and he felt Jordan smirk against his skin. He stopped kissing him and pulled back as Justin opened his eyes again to look at his green eyes.
"We haven't had much fun in a while." Jordan spoke as he swept loose hair from Justin's forehead. Justin licked his lips but remained silent. Jordan's hand ran down his sides and stopped at his hip before pushing underneath Justin's tee and caressing his bare skin. Justin gulped a little as Jordan leaned back down and took Justin's lips in his own.

Justin kissed back and smiled a little when Jordan bit his lip causing Justin to open his mouth and allow Jordan to snake his tongue in and explore his mouth. Justin's hands had tangled themselves in Jordan's messy hair and he tried to bring Jordan down closer to him. He missed him, they haven't been on good terms lately and Justin wanted to make it better. He heard Jordan laugh and in turn made Justin laugh. The kiss turned sloppy and they both pulled back giggling at one another.
Jordan climbed over Justin and lay by his side, wrapping his arm around Justin's stomach and pulling him over so that he was cuddled close to him and kissed his head.
"You're eager today." Jordan chuckled and Justin nuzzled his head into Jordan's side and wrapped his arm around him to hug him. Kissing his chest quickly before looking up at him.
"Are you still angry at me?" Justin questioned sadly, his eyes searching Jordan for an answer desperately and he sighed when he didn't get an answer as soon as he had asked. He sat up and climbed on top of Jordan, his legs on either side of him and he rested his hands on his bare chest.
"Because I can make it better if you are." He smirked as he leaned down and pecked Jordan's lips before moving down and sucking on his neck like Jordan had done to him earlier.

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