~ Chapter Five ~

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Jordan has decided to take Justin out tonight for a nice meal to celebrate the amazing news he received from Jason about the details of his promotion.

Jordan was now officially the creative director of McCann enterprises which now means that Jordan will be working alongside Alex and Jason McCann directly which is a huge deal in the business world.
Jordan was over the moon and it showed through his excited and happy attitude that he has had all day since Jason left and just took the opportunity to join him in his happiness while it lasted.
"Does this mean that your office will move?" Justin asked as he handed Jordan a glass of champagne. Jordan nodded as he took a quick sip and placed the glass down as he looked over at Justin.
"Yeah, I'll be moved up nearer Mr McCann's office." Jordan told him and Justin nodded as he took a sip from his coke.

Justin had cleaned the house a little while Jordan was discussing things with Jason so he had nothing to do. He would have considered going to visit his friends but Jordan wouldn't want him to go and see them while he was off work because it was their time to spend together and he got annoyed if Justin wasted that time being stupid with his friends that Jordan didn't particularly like but he tolerated.

Justin listened as Jordan went on about all the good things about this new job with a smile on his face. It's been a while since they've been on good terms this long and Justin really hoped it lasted all night. He knows that the stresses of Jordan's job is what keeps him on edge most of the time so Justin hoped that maybe now that Jordan is doing something he enjoys more then he will be less stressed and won't be angry with Justin as much.

Justin was sad to learn that the promotion will require Jordan to work a few more hours than usual which meant he'd be coming home later at night. He hated being alone all day in the house because it was big and he had nobody to talk to, not even a pet he could play with and it gets tiring after a while doing the same thing everyday. He knows he's selfish for being annoyed about having nothing to do because Jordan is out working all day to keep them in this nice house and Justin has it easy so he's never mentioned it to Jordan but he can't help himself from thinking it.

Jordan stood up as his cellphone began to rang and Justin looked over at him curiously as Jordans eyes glazed over the screen before sliding it to answer and leaving the room without another glance at Justin. He sat lazily in his seat and sipped at his coke and looked around the room for something interesting to do. He wondered who Jordan was on the phone to but he didn't dwell on it. His cell was still broken from the argument that him and Jordan had a few nights back and the cracked screen just made him feel sad so he wasn't on it much now lately. He needed to get it fixed but he hasn't had a moment to himself to be able to do that.

He licked his lips and took another drink of his juice and pulled out the cracked phone. He could call the phone shop now and arrange a time for him to take it in. He pressed the apple button and the screen instantly lit up. The background was blurred and four boxes should up with messages from a few of his friends that he hadn't yet read. Ryan was asking him to hang out with him and a few other tonight but he declined politely because he had already made plans with Jordan. He had a couple texts from Kyle asking why he's been ignoring him lately and Justin instantly felt bad.

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