~ Chapter Thirteen ~

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Justin squirmed in his sleep, his eyes fluttering beneath the lids as the sun that beamed in through the window tried to pry them open.

His body felt heavy and for a moment he forgot how to control it, laying motionless the the large empty bed as the morning sun told him it was time to rise and get on the whatever today had in store for him and for a moment he didn't want to wake up. For a moment he wished that he could fall back into an effortless and peaceful sleep and not have to worry about anything any more. But the sun didn't give up and after a few more minutes the brunettes eyes snapped open in frustration and he brought his arm up to act as a shield between his eyes and the blinding light that had woken him in the first place.

It was raining outside - slightly confusing to Justin because he could have sworn it felt warm. The room felt clammy and humid. His clothes stuck to him and he desperately needed to shower to wash the filth he felt on his body. He sighed and let his eyes close again, his mind reeling to last night and gulped.

Justin knew it was wrong. He knew that the way Jordan made him feel was not loved but frightened and terrified, ashamed of his own body. He felt every single emotion except love and he was sure he made it clear last night. His eyes opened again and he turned to his side with his whole body, it ached. A light pain residing on his lower back and his arms felt weak and he curled himself up underneath the covers. He bit his lower lip and held it between his teeth as he rested his chin on his knees and held back the tears he wasn't sure could come anymore and he realised that Jordan had hurt him in ways that won't heal and it scared him. Jordan scared him.

He jumped. His whole body jerking at the loud sound of his phone ringing and he let out a long shaky breath as he sat up and looked around for it - suddenly realising that he was in his own bed and not the one that he had fell asleep, or more, passed out on. He couldn't help him shiver at the thought of Jordan touching him in his sleep when he's unaware and unable to even attempt to protect him even if his touch was as harmless as to lift him to bed. Justin wasn't sure he'd ever feel comfortable with his fiancé touching him ever again and at the thought he couldn't breath because he'd most certainly, most definitely have to be touched by Jordan again because they were getting married.

His head snapped back up and his mind back to reality as his phone began ringing once again although his time it sounded louder and he crawled out of his bed sheets carefully and over to the edge of the bed where he reached over and grabbed the ringing cellphone and answering it quickly before it stopped once again.

"H-hello?" He spoke. Shocked to hear his voice was dry and hoarse and it almost sounded like it did when Jordan choked him that one time. He barely had a voice and Jordan had taken it from him, Like he took everything else.
"Justin. Are you okay? What's wrong with your voice?" The caller spoke and Justin instantly recognised the person as Jason. He must have saved his number when he took it to inform him of Jordan's accident and Justin sighed as he reached up to bring his hand through his hair.
"I'm fine Jason. I just... you woke me up." Justin replied and Jason was silent for a moment before replying.
"Oh...sorry. I just assumed since it's almost noon that you'd be awake. My ba..." he was cut of as Justin. His brown orbs widening slightly.
"It's noon?" He muttered shocked and he heard Jason fumble around on the other side.
"Yep. Almost." He replied and Justin sighed as he dropped his hand by his side and licked his lips.
"Everything alright?" Jason asked and Justin nodded to himself without realising this was a phone call and not a live conversation.
"Yeah. I just don't normally sleep this late." Justin spoke back softly. His chest burned slightly and he suddenly felt un well but he listened as Jason continued to talk.
"Well anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I've got some stuff that I need Jordan to work on and since he's not at work he can't do it. Someone will need to pick it up..." he spoke slowly and Justin could hear him ruffling papers around and Justin closed his eyes in annoyance as he sighed audibly.
"I'd drop it of myself but my schedule is fully booked today. The paper works impor..." once again he was cut short by Justin's impatient voice and the burning in his chest grew deeper and rose up his throat.
"Whatever Jason. I'll come pick it up. I'll talk to you later." Justin muttered quickly as he stood up from the bed. He coughed suddenly and he bent over in pain as his stomach began to burn like his chest did and he winced.
"Justin, are you alright?" Jason questioned. The tone of his voice becoming more concerned and Justin brought his hand to his mouth as he nodded.
"Y-yeah. I'll just, I'll see you in a while. I've got to go." And with that he hung up. Not giving Jason time to say his goodbyes and he quickly dropped the cellphone of his bed as he dashed for the bathroom and collapsed by the toilet and starting throwing up.

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