~ Chapter Fourteen ~

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Justin found himself lost within the crowd at McCann enterprises. He was being pushed and grabbed everywhere as he tried to find his way to the main desk where Jason had told him he'd get him.

He kept his head low, his hands interlaced as he avoided all eye contact with anyone. He wanted to quickly get whatever Jason wanted to give him and then leave again. Justin didn't know why everyone was in such a rush or why they didn't care that he was trying to get through but he really wished they'd stop for just a second so that he could push himself from the large crowd.

He was dressed casually - he certainly didn't fit in with everyone here that was dressed in high priced suits and dresses and Justin was sure he had probably gotten a few disapproved glares earned his way and it made him feel uncomfortable in his plain white tee and loose fitting jeans. His white supra's standing out against everyone's black work shoes and his blue denim jacket definitely not helping to blend him in.

He stopped for a moment and looked up. He could see the desk only a few steps away from him but no Jason standing by it. He always stood out with his piercing blue eyes and blonde hair but he was nowhere to be seen and Justin began to feel a little anxious as he stepped out from the crowd and looked up at the familiar looking receptionist. He gulped as he placed his hands in his pocket awkwardly as he stepped towards the woman behind the desk that stared over at him like he was dirt on the bottom of her shoe.
"Can I help you?" She spoke, her head titled upwards slightly as she looked over her nose at Justin. Her beady eyes glaring at Justin slightly beneath her glasses and Justin wondered what it was she had against him that made her dislike him so much. He nodded slightly as he opened his mouth to talk.
"I, ugh, I've got to pick something up from Mr McCann." He spoke uneasily. His voice small and he had no confidence whatsoever in the way he spoke. The woman pursed her lips as she nodded and pointed to her side.
"Mr McCann will be down in a minute. You can wait for him over there." She mumbled as Justin followed her hand and saw a small waiting area at the side of the desk. He nodded and mumbled a small thank you as he left, dropping his head to the floor as he walked to where she had said and waited for Jason there.

He hadn't been stood there for more than two minutes when Jason walked out of the elevator dressed entirely in a dark blue suit that stood out among everyone else like he always did. His hair gelled back effortlessly and his eyes twinkling as he smiled over at Justin who stood not a few feet away from staring over at him nervously.
"Justin, How are you?" Jason greeted sweetly as he reached the man who looked at him briefly before his eyes searched elsewhere in the room and he nodded.
"Have you got what you wanted me to get?" Justin spoke slowly as he searched Jason but his eyebrows furrowed when he saw the man was empty handed and then he looked back up at his eyes. Jason pouted slightly as he opened his hands up and slouched his shoulders.
"Umm. I seem to have left them in my office." Jason trailed off slightly as he chuckled slightly at his own forgetfulness but Justin stared at him blankly.

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