~ Chapter Ten ~

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Hailey left a short while after just returned, catching a ride with Jason who was leaving after he saw and made sure Jordan was okay. Justin was alone in the hospital room with him now and it was the first time they really had been alone since Justin got to the hospital.

He wasn't annoyed about the fact Justin went to get his cheek checked out like Justin thought he would have been. Jason explained to him that he had insisted on a check up because he was worried that Justin would get an infection in the cut, which he had been right, Jordan thanked him for taking care of Justin and Jason forced a smile and told him it was no problem. Jason then left without another word to Jordan or Justin.

Justin sat uncomfortably on a chair next to Jordan's bed where he lay perched up on a pillow. He listened carefully as Jordan babbled on about the last things he can remember before waking up in the hospital. Which wasn't much according to his fiancé.
"I really on remember turning and seeing a car swerving my way." Jordan spoke and Justin nodded slowly, leaning over and letting his elbows press against the bed so he could let his head fall in his hands.
"Jason said the driver lost control." Justin replied and Jordan nodded at the information.
"Yeah, just my luck that I'm the one that gets run over." He chuckled lightly and Justin smiled at him from his position. Jordan turned his head to looked over at Justin, he was still taller than Justin even though he was laying on a bed barely sitting up.

Justin was clearly tired but he was trying his best to stay awake and attentive to Jordan so that he wouldn't be alone while in hospital. Jordan sighed and smiled over at his boyfriend as he scooted over in the bed and motioned him over.
"Come on, climb in." Jordan motioned and Justin sat up straight, his eyes widening slightly at the sudden movements of his fiancé causing his to wake up a little more. He shook his head.
"I can't Jordan, I might hurt you." Justin spoke, a small chuckling as he did so but Jordan shook his head insisting.
"Relax, you're only small. Come on." Jordan laughed and Justin couldn't help but smile at him as he made the space for Justin to crawl in beside him.

Justin sighed as he gave up and let Jordan have his way as he pushed himself up of his seat and crawled slowly in the space that Jordan made in the hospital bed beside him. He smiled up at him as he buried himself underneath the white sheets and brought his cold hands up to trap them between his chest and Jordan's side for warmth. Jordan smiled as he secured the sheets around them and shifted so that he was cuddling Justin without hurting his ribs more.
"See, that was easy." Jordan chuckled and Justin smiled small as he let his eyes flutter closed.
"I was really worried about you today." Justin spoke out, his voice small and slightly muffled by Jordan's body but he was still clear. Jordan nodded at the statement and bit his lips softly as he leaned his chin on top of Justin's head, the messy hair tickling him slightly and he smiled.
"You don't need to worry anymore, I'm not going anywhere." He replied and he felt Justin smiled against his skin before he felt a small kiss against the same area and then he closed his eyes, allowing himself to fall asleep along with Justin snuggled up together on the semi comfortable hospital bed.

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