Chapter 10

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Nico, Ken, and I promised to take shifts. This place has monsters half reformed from Tartarus and they're blending in. I took the first shift, and it was clear for most of the night. I couldn't fall asleep even if I wanted to. I was awake and alert, but I, like anyone was growing tired after the third of hour of nothing.

Then, it came the moment that I heard something. I didn't want to wake up the two if it was something. They both looked like they were so tired. I got up and carefully made my way across the clearing. Now that I think about, it may have not been a good idea to be in the middle of this clearing. I bit my lip and squinted. How is the black darkness even darker than usual? It has to be a sign of something. 

I heard a snap and my head turned quickly. "Calypso...? Is that you?" I called, my daggers out for a fight if it came to it- and it would. I froze as I felt something hot against my back. It was too weak to be fire... but just strong enough to be a- "Hydra." I whispered. I was confused. I didn't hear it until now..... The heads had to make some noise... right? I slowly turned and saw a head breathing against my. I slightly shook in fear. This is only my 2nd monster I had to fight, but now I have no one to help me.

When I saw another head going towards me, I realized that standing still isn't the best way to avoid this monster. I held back a scream, too much in shock, and I turned. Running the opposite way of the camp, I didn't want to bring the hydra to the boys. 'Okay... How to kill it... how do the heck do I kill this!' I thought, panic growing in me the more I ran. I knew it was behind me- the loud booms of its footsteps. I gripped my dagger and turned back around to face it, panting heavily. "Hey!" I shouted like an idiot.

But my idiocy attracted all of its heads attention. I tried to wrack my brain, thinking of how to kill this thing. ".... Heracles.... How..." I murmured, making sure to keep eye contact on the main head. It was the biggest and right in the middle. I tried to keep all of the heads attention... But they kept looking back. 'They won't go against the leader head would they? They have to-" I let out a scream as the center head lunged at me. Now it had more interest in me.

Fire. Fire... That's how I kill it! Heracles cut the heads off and to stop them from growing even more, he burned the stubs with fire. Of course, after it went to Tartarus, it reformed.... But I need it to die for now.

Note to self, find the entrance to Tartarus on the Island FIRST.

I tried to grab a large stick, if I found it, but I couldn't. There wasn't really anything I could use. "Fire.... If I had Leo, this would be so much more easier!" I muttered. I was tired and I looked away for a second. But that was my mistake.

It swung its large tail and it knocked me off of my feet. I groaned, looking around. My vision blurred and it was difficult to find the hydra. Were my ears always ringing? Why did it seem like the hydra was getting farther and farther away? "Hey.... Come.... back..." I weakly called. It was going back to the camp. 

And now, there is no way to warn them.

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