Chapter 23

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The giant ant hissed above me. I smiled for a moment, thinking how this must have sounded to a mortal who heard this story. 'Giant ants terrorizing demigod as she wanders helplessly around'. I'd laugh at how pathetic it sounds too... I know someone out there can at least relate... I hope.

I can't be the only one who has to face giant ants in their free time, now can I?

Jokes aside, though, I desperately looked around without moving my head. Would breaking eye contact make it attack? Would moving an inch of my muscles make it jump at me, tearing away at my flesh? Okay... Yeah, that sounds grotesque, but that's what we demigods, I assume, go through.

I felt the pressure of my sword at my waist, but I didn't make a move to grab it. I don't wanna know what happens if you lose a staring competition with this thing.

I thought about making a distraction for it, and then making a run for me. I shifted my eyes to the right and internally cursed at how I saw more of these creatures crawl out. Where in the name of Hades are these things coming from? I asked myself. Where's Nico? I thought that he'd be shouting my name by this point.

How long have I been here, staring this one monster? What if Calypso sent it to kill me, and its friends can feast on me? It wouldn't be the first time a god has double crossed a mortal- not that I know from personal experience, but based on the stories I read. Well, heard. Dyslexia bothers me too much. Though, once, when I tried to read a Greek myth, the words did its usual rearranging... but this time, it rearranged into this weird language, but I understood it and- Shoot, I'm in the middle of something.

Dammit ADHD...

I looked around, finally breaking the stare I was holding with the ant. I got up carefully and backed up. "... Good ant... Good... scary... creepy... crawly.. AH!" Dammit! I freaked out myself and now, I made a break to a nearby tree, crawling up as quickly as I can. Please tell me they can't climb gods damn trees! I thought hopefully, my heart practically beating out my chest. I know what this is- probably 'insight' from dad- on what those stupid things are.

Mermeykeys... Or something like that. But I know what it is! I looked down and panted, my breathing also erratic. "Nico! Help! Please!" I shouted pleadingly. I needed help... as annoyed a I am with the little Italian boy, I have to ask for help. I'll die if I don't.

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