Chapter 21

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Okay! I have no idea how many more chapters there will be! ^^' Oh well-


For three days, Nico and I have been wandering. For three days, he's been giving me the cold shoulder. For three days, I have woken up to not see Ken there. For three days... I've just been wanting to die.

"Um... Do you want some... fruit-thing?" I found this round, watermelon-like thing on the ground and found that it has some tasty flavors. So I guess this is the fruit that the island provides. I looked down, my eyes not meeting his. "Fine." he said gruffly, his eyes scanning the area for a suspicious forest.

Yes, we've been trying to find the Grove of Dodona. But... obviously, we've been coming to dead ends or lead-ons with no real use. "Lets set up camp here." I suggested, hoping he'd at least be nice. Isn't it funny that he's been trying so hard to make me forgive him, and now that I have, he doesn't even want to look at me? I think it is. Its the cruel, twisted game of the gods- especially Aphrodite.

I sighed as he nodded. Still not gonna talk to me, huh? I thought sadly. "... I'll go gather some sti-" I was cut off abruptly as Nico shook his head, his eyes finally looking at me. "No! Last time you went, you were gone for 2 days! I am not letting you get kidnapped by that insane goddess!" I felt a leap in my chest, as if he cared. "Do you-" Again, I was cut off, but by hurtful words instead. "Especially if you're willing to make deals with her."

My eyes narrowed and my hands clenched into fists. "Okay, you know what!? I am done trying to make you happy with me! I made a mistake, okay!? Am I supposed to be perfect on my first mission, practically a week into knowing I was a demigod!?" I shouted, my anger getting the best of me.

"It would be nice if you THINK before you let your trap run on!" he shouted back, his face slightly tinged with red, most likely anger. "I mean, seriously, a deal with CALYPSO?!" This boy! I made a 'hmph' noise and turned my heel. "Where in the name of Hades are you going?" he asked in an exasperated tone, like a mother speaking to an ever-hyper child who is throwing a tantrum. "I am getting some more sticks for the damn fire." I growled out, grabbing my sword (guess where that was? A couple feet away, leaning against a tree. Can I be more blind?).

I didn't stick around long enough to allow Nico to start his whole lecture on my behavior. Did I think it was childish? Yes. Did I have to it? No. Should I apologize and let my pride be hurt? Never. I walked off, knowing that this time, I have to be a little more independent to show Nico I am able to take care of myself and not let someone interfere. "Seriously, it was just collecting wood! How did I let myself get taken!" I ranted to myself.

Little did I realize, I had a couple thousand pairs of eyes watching me, watching as I walked into danger alone.

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