Chapter Four (Thea): "I'll give you a ride,"

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I was wrong.

It is currently 7:42am and we now only have 18 minutes before class starts. How did we get into this situation you ask? Great question.

At promptly 7:25am this morning, I threw some rocks at James' window, signaling that I was headed downstairs. I grabbed my bag, told my mom I loved her, and walked over to James' house.

Impatiently, I knocked on his door, just for James to answer, say "hold on," and slam the door in my face before I could respond or react.

Now you're all caught up.

I hear some the door close and footsteps but don't bother to see who it is, because even if it isn't James, I am leaving right now.

"Thea? Thea? Thea?" James annoying voice says repeatedly.

"What!? What James? I am not going to be late. Unlike some people, I do care about my attendance."

"Attendance? Thea the school is literally a 10-minute walk, and we are driving."

Ignoring him, I walked over to my car, got in, and slammed the door.

But what do I see? Oh yes, James is walking away from my car and towards his garage. Rolling down the window I yelled, "Come on James, we are going to be late!"

Laughing, he responded with, "There is no way in hell I am showing up to my first day at a new school in that. Don't worry though, I'll follow you."

Annoyed, I attempted to start my car.

Click Click Click

Nothing. I tried again.

Click Click Click

"YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME," I yelled, utterly defeated. Can this day get any worse? Getting out of my car and grabbing my keys, I ran inside.

"Mom!? Can I take your car today? Mine won't start."

Coming around the corner, "Pumpkin, I told you not to get the '84. I need my car today. If you leave now you can still get to school in time," mom responded.

Groaning, I walked out to see James waiting in front of my house, on a motorcycle. Oh please no.

"Are we gonna go or what?" he questioned.

"My car won't start and my mom needs hers. Sorry James, I can't show you around today. I am sure someone in the office can help you," I responded.

"Alright cool. So are you just gonna ditch today?"

Oh wow that's funny. Perfect attendance don't fail me now. Looking down at my phone to check the time, "No I am just going to walk. If I leave right now, I will still have 13 minutes to make a 9-minute walk."

"I'll give you a ride," he smirked. My parents would kill me if they found out I even thought about accepting his offer. Plus, I have never been a fan of motorcycles. They go way to fast and only have two wheels, there is really no purpose for them except people like to think that it makes them look cool.

"Ummm..." I groaned.

"Look, you don't have to accepts the offer, but if we leave right now, we can get to school with 10-minutes to spare. You've wasted another minute contemplating this. I can only imagine how much Miss Priss's perfect attendance matters to her."

"If I fight with you on that I am just going to waste more time," I stared at him in disbelief of what I am about to do.

Hesitantly walking over to his bike he muttered, "Knew it."

Handing me his helmet he laughed, "Hold on tight."


"WERE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?!" I yelled as James got off his bike.

Grabbing the helmet off my head, laughing, "You're such a baby."

"Am not! You were trying to kill me. I try being nice to you and offer to show you around school and you repay me by almost killing me! I almost died on Saturday night but that just wasn't enough for you was it!?" I say, getting off the bike.

Still laughing he just looked at me.

"What?" I snapped. Is he crazy? He almost killed me, twice!

"Nothing," he smirked, "but it looks like you only have 8 minutes to get to class."

"Crap. I'll take you to the office and they'll assign someone to show you around." I speed walked to the office doors, honestly trying to get rid of James. His mother said he had friends back at his old school, obviously she was laying. This boy is a lunatic.

Running up the steps, I felt someone grab my arm. I turned and saw James with a confused look.

"Were you trying to lose me by running here? Because no one gets that excited for school," he smirked.

Turning back around and walking through the doors, I walked straight to Ms. Stacey.

"Good morning Ms. Stacey!" I smiled at her.

"Good morning Thea, how was your weekend? Oh my, what happened to your forehead?" she asked with a concerned face.

"It was good! I actually got a new neighbor. Today is his first day. His name is James. He is a senior, very annoying, tried to kill me, twice," I laughed, "That's how I got this."

"I did not try to kill you!" James whines, walking up behind me.

"I take it you're James?" Stacey asks. "Well good. Normally new students get here a bit earlier but no worries. It's so great you even made a friend already," she said, gesturing towards me.

I laughed. "Yeah, so anyway I really have to get to class. Have a great day James!" I said hurriedly leaving the office.

I was headed to my first period class when I felt my phone buzz.

Sophia (The Best):

I heard you were on the back of a motorcycle this morning!?!?!?! (7:57am)

Wait a minute... (7:57am)

WAS THAT HIS BIKE!?!?!?! (7:57am)



Wow. Would you calm down? My car broke down this morning and I needed a ride. (7:58am)

And when did you change your name in my phone? (7:58am)

Sophia (The Best):

While you were dying in the hospital (7:59am)

And do NOT think you are getting out of this one (8:00am)

Walking into my first period class, I tucked my phone away and sat in my seat. A person walked into the room and wrote "Mr. Mullen" on the board, signifying he would be our sub for the day. This is going to be a long day.

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