Chapter Ten (Thea): Anything for you maddam

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A/N: Thank you guys so much for being patient with me! I have had so much stuff going on at home I almost forgot what writing felt like. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy!


I refreshed my Instagram page again, hoping that someone could fill this empty void I have called "free time". Alas, since I don't follow everyone back, I don't have much in my feed.

I clicked on James' page again.

"Miss Priss <3"

Has that always been there? I know he calls me Miss Priss but does he call everyone Miss Priss? I didn't even realize he had an Instagram until he commented on my picture and followed me. I am definitely over thinking this. I mean, even if he did put that towards me, it was just to be mean. Obviously, it would be just to tease me.



"Want to hang out later?" 3:37pm

Well that's odd. I haven't talked to Toby in a while. It would be nice, though. I missed having freshmen biology with him.


"Sure, when?" 3:39pm

Almost immediately after I sent that my phone buzzed again.


"Are you busy right now? I could pick you up?" 3:39pm


"Sure, see you in a few." 3:40pm

I wonder why he all of a sudden wants to hang out? Toby has always been a spontaneous guy. I remember one time in seventh grade he brought me a daisy and said, "Thought this would make your day just a little bit better."



"I'm outside(:" 3:57pm

I grabbed my bag and threw on my converse, running down the stairs.

"Mom! I'm going out!" I yelled into the kitchen.

"Okay, sweetie. Be safe!" I heard mom yell back.

I grabbed my coat off the rack and opened the front door. Turning around to lock it, I had a moment of realization. Wasn't I supposed to do something tonight? Oh well, I doubt it was that important if I can't remember. I jumped over the bush next to our sidewalk and almost fell, but managed to gain my balance again.

"Real smooth, Thea," Toby laughed, trying to keep a straight face.

I looked up at him, realizing just how crystal blue his eyes were. They're almost covered by his brown curly locks but not quite.

As soon as I came into arms length he pulled me into a hug. He smelled so nice. His jacket was really soft, too.

"How are you?" I asked him.

"I am good," he answered, opening the door for me.

"Why, thank you," I said, hopping in his Jeep.

"Anything for you, maddam," he replied then did this bow thing that made me laugh.

I forgot how much Toby and I are alike in that sense. I honestly would not be surprised if he was voted Class Clown this year. I think he would be happy about it too; that he got to end high school with a big bang.

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