Chapter 12- Vision

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~You're Pov~

I slowly put the book down on my bed, lost in my  thoughts. Maybe, he isn't what he shows I thought. I got off my bed and walked to the door, i opened the door and began to walk down the hall. 

I was surprised the door wasn't locked, usually at night time Herobrine came and locked it. I walked threw the halls, seeking for his room, i didn't know where it was, but if i saw his unique room, i'd probably be his. 

I finally came across  an odd looking room, it had 2 big doors, and golden blocks surrounded it."This has to it.." i whispered to myself.  

I walked up to the door and knocked on it. I sat there for a moment waiting for an answer. Nothing. I  decided to knock again, i looked at the door, waiting for it to open, waiting to hear footsteps come to the door. Still, nothing happened.

"Maybe.. he isn't here." i turned around to walk away, until the door slowly creaked open. I looked at the door, not knowing what to do. "Should i go in? or should i ignore it?" 

My curiosity beat the best of me, and i slowly creeped into the room.

Darkness, the room was so dark. I waited for a moment so my eyes adjusted, and began to walk around. I noticed there were broken tables, and glass. I tried to avoid stepping on the glass as i walked threw the creepy room. 

There were papers on the wall, i grabbed one and looked at it.

Plan To Kill Notch. It read. 

I dropped it and moved on, looking for Herobrine.

"Herobrine?" i said

I suddenly heard soft  breathing, and i walked over to the noise. As the noise got louder, i looked to the right of me, and saw Herobrine. He was sitting down a chair, leaning his head against the table and  paper's surrounded him. His Hair was messing, even more then usual. 

"H-Herobrine?" i said edging closer to him.

He didn't move. i slowly walked over to him, and poked his shoulder. He moved slightly groaning sleepily.  i quickly moved back, and watched him. Herobrine stretched his arms across the table, and lifted up from the seat to stand up.

I watched, slightly worried of what he will think when he see's  me standing there. He signed softly, looking at the paper on the table as he  brushed his hand threw his messy hair. He slowly turned around, when he noticed me his eyes widened in shock. 

"What.. Are you doing in my ROOM?" He yelled walked over to me

"I-i.. came here to say s-sorry.." i said frightened by his mood.

He stopped mid-step, looking at me confused. "Sorry?"

"Y-yea, I'm sorry, I-i didn't mean to hurt you're feelings." I said fidgeting with my hands nervously.

"You didn't hurt my feelings, i don't HAVE feelings. Except, for Anger, because i'm angry that you're in my room NOW GET OUT!"

His eyes glowed brighter in rage, as he pointing to the door. I didn't hesitate, and i ran out the door in fear as  he slammed the door behind me.

I looked back at the door, as i could hear him sign in annoyance one last time. I began to head down the hallway, looking at the painting's on the wall as i walked by. 

All of the sudden, a stinging pain went threw my head, as if i was shot in the head with an arrow. I held my head with pain,feeling my vision blur away. I let out a scream of pain right before i fell to the ground. My vision grew darker and darker, and a hand grabbed my arm right before everything went black.

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