The Nightmare

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A flash of flaming light fills the chamber. I look for an exit, but to no avail. I am trapped. The heat grows more intense as I feel my very flesh begin to bubble off of my bones. I bleed out, screaming for help. But no one comes.


My 3-year-old self watches from an alleyway, my father fighting off a serpentine with an axe, my mom using her control over the wind. An Anacondrai blade flies through my father's chest, his armor doing nothing to protect him from the sharpest blade known to man. He falls, blood splattered all over his armor. My mom cries out his name, and another blade strikes her neck, taking her head off of her shoulders in a second. I scream loudly, crying. No one comes to help. So I run. And I don't stop.


I woke up screaming, tears falling from my eyes as I began to sob uncontrollably. I grabbed onto the nearest object, which was my pillow, and held onto it tightly.

I heard a knock at my door. "Morro? Are you in there?"

"Y-yes, Sensei..."

Sensei Wu walked in, and sat next to me. Even now, after everything I've done, he still trusted me. It amazed me.

"What happened?" he asked softly.

"I-I... I had the... th-the nightmare again..." I sobbed.

The kind old man put his hand on my shoulder, knowing exactly what I was talking about.

"I promise, we will fix this."

"We can't! We never can and we never will!" I cried. "I've been traumatized all my life. The nightmares will never go away." I continued to cry hard.

Wu looked at me with a soft gaze. He wiped the tear falling from my eye, and spoke in a soft voice he only used to comfort me, "We can fix you."

I cried into his chest, holding him tightly. "S-Sensei!" I sobbed.

"Morro..." Wu said. He held me there and comforted me as I cried.


"Yes, Morro?"

"C-can I... Can I... Call you... Dad?"

The old man looked at me kindly, gently. "Yes. Yes you can."

"D-dad..." I cried.

He said nothing else, but the way he tucked me into bed, kissing my forehead goodnight, saying "I love you," made me realize, I finally had a family. Someone who cared, someone who understood. And I never wanted to let go.

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