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Archer sighed as he focused on his current task at hand: drawing a dragon flying over a grassy landscape. The dragon had yellow horns, orange wings, and a little yellow dragonfly flying after him. The dragon, well-known as Spyro, had purple scales. The thing was, Archer couldn't find his purple colored pencil.

Bansha casually walked in, and dropped something next to Archer. It was a purple pencil.

"Why did you have this?" Soul Archer inquired.

"Because mine broke."

"Did it now?"


"...How did you break it?"

"I didn't break it, Ghoultar did," the sorceress sighed.

Archer was not quite amused. "Okay."

"What's your favorite color?"

Archer rolled his eyes. Bansha could be pesky at times. "Turquoise, why?"



"That's my favorite color."

"Okay, what does this have to do with anything?"

"It means you can steal my turquoise pencil if you need."

Archer took a mental note to steal her Turquoise pencil later.

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