Dear A Again,

17 0 0

You don't show up to any club meetings
So i guess you didn't join like i had thought
Homecoming night
I got there with my friends and started walking towards the sign in tables
And i saw you
And i think you saw me
But i'm not sure if you actually did
You know i have a hard time seeing far away
But if you did see me
You just stopped
And you just stared at me

I haven't seen you in a while
Because i've been taking the other way to sixth period
So seeing you for the first time in weeks
It changed everything
Back to how it was months ago
It made me miss you all over again
I was doing so good
I thought i was finally, almost, over you
And then you grabbed your girlfriends hand
And you walked away
And all of the emotions happened again

I miss you
I wish you would still talk to me
Like when we were friends
You don't have to love me back, i'll get over this shit eventually
But you could still be my friend

I think you are afraid of me
Of what i will do
Every time i got within a fifty foot radius of you that night, you would walk the other way
I'm not one of those girls
I don't want to do anything to you or your girlfriend
I don't want to hurt you
Either of you
Because that night
One of the times that i had walked by
I saw you look at her in a way you never did to me
And it made me happy
Because you are happy
But it sucks that it's not me
I miss you so much
I love you so much
But you should know better
Although i am so sad, angry, and upset with you
I would never do anything to hurt what makes you happy

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