Chapter 174

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Find someone who breaks you.

Someone who breaks into your life one day, shatters the glass of everything that you believed in and shows you a new side of the world. Find somebody revolutionary who will let you see all that is good about you and what you can do to improve in yourself every day.

Someone who makes you happy that you never settled.

Find someone who shares intimacy with you even when you’re so used to putting up the walls as you’ve tried desperately to hide all of your fears, doubts, and your insecurities. 
Find somebody who you find courage in, even when you are miles apart. Find someone you can be honest with even when all this time you’ve been hiding from the world the pain and sadness that you feel because you are too afraid to show weakness. Find someone who’s able to balance you out, the yin to your yang. 
Fall in love with someone who breaks you, because the person who breaks you will show you a new perspective. A fresh start in life you could never find in anything else. Fall in love with somebody who does not merely exist in your life but wants to be part of it every day. He or she may not be perfect but in the end they would be perfect for you.

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