Chapter 175

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Someday you’re gonna find someone who will look at you like you have the whole fucking universe inside you. Someone who will give you butterflies in your stomach, someone who will make you anxiously excited for every new adventure.

Someone who will show you off to the world because he knows that he’s more than lucky to have you in his life. Someone who will say all the right words and actually mean them. Someone who will prove to you that choosing him was the right choice. Someone who will give you everything he has to offer wholeheartedly.

Someone who thinks about how you’d feel when he plans to do something before actually doing it. Someone who would give you the entire world without you asking for it. Someone who will fight for you because you’re worth fighting for. Someone who will hold your hand like it’s the only hand that exists and is a perfect match to his.

Someone who will not lie to you because he knows you’re worth telling the truth.
Someone who will never fail to put a smile on your face even though he’s having a rough day. Someone who will stick with you through thick and thin and will never make giving up an option.

Someone who makes sure that your relationship is not going to fail. Someone who will love you unconditionally, no matter what.

Never lose hope, you will find that someone, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but someday you will. And you will finally be happy, you will no longer feel hurt, for that someone will not do anything to hurt you because he will make sure that he gets to keep you and he will make you realize that what you have together is surely up for the long run. 

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