Chapter 166

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I hope you're happy with being alone. I hope you're happy that no one really knows you and maybe no one really loves you. I hope you're satisfied with staying inside your bubble, with pushing people away, unaware of what it's like to be human, to make mistakes, to be loved with all your flaws, or to be accepted for who you really are. I hope your walls keep you company.

I hope your loneliness makes you feel safe but I also hope you know that there is a way out. There is solace in intimacy. There is beauty in letting people in.

I hope you understand that sometimes showing people your weakness will only make you stronger and being vulnerable will make them love you even more.

I hope you realize that some people out there will see all your dark sides and stay, they'll out up with you and not complain and they'll love you even when you're being hard to love.

I hope you know that loneliness is not the antidote to heartbreak. I hope you know that pushing people away is not going to save you from their troubles.

I hope you're lonely because you actually like being alone. I hope this is not how to deal with grief, heartbreak or disappointment.

I also hope you know that some people are just a phone call away, ready to show up at your door, waiting for you to let them in. 

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