Chapter forty-seven - Time Capsule

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Chapter forty-seven – Time Capsule


-The following day-

I know that it's impossible for someone to get over a death in only twenty-four hours, but I was hoping the pain would have gone just a little, at least. It still feels as if it only just happened; it still feels as if I've only just witnessed it right this second.

I've watched both my parents die ... and I can never un-see that. The ordeal leading up to it has scarred me for life; father looked so scared in his final moments. And the way he spoke to Michael just minutes before he passed away has left an impression on me, too. He told Michael to take care of me ... to treat me right. I could tell Michael was heartbroken by what he saw, and he was extremely brave to respond, too.

Even the numbness hasn't really disappeared, in all honesty. It's still a challenge to even stand up because of the level of grief I'm feeling. But I'm appreciative of how everyone has supported me this past twenty-four hours.

It may seem hard to believe, but I'm still at the mortuary right now. I refused to leave last night, so I ended up falling asleep here. Michael stayed, too; it was actually in his arms that I fell asleep. If I remember right, I was crying, and he took me into his arms to comfort me. That was at around midnight; obviously I was tired, and so I literally cried myself to sleep.

Clover and Reiss left last night, with the logic that I wanted some alone time with Michael and dad. They were right about that.

I'm surprised, though, that the nurses or whoever didn't wake me up and send me home. Perhaps they haven't even come in to check what's happening ... I don't even know.

"We have to leave at some point, sweetheart," Michael tells me, running his fingers through my hair. We're both stood close to where dad is laying; this sight will never leave my head, but I don't want to let go yet.

"I know ... " I sniffle, feeling my eyes well up with tears at the thought of leaving.

"I know it'll be tough, Citria. I know that from experience. But if you stay here for too long, you'll forget all the happy memories and only be left with ... this one." Just by his tone of voice, I can tell he's speaking these suggestions for my own good ... even if they don't feel so good.

"I just don't want to leave! ... " My voice breaks, as my face contorts with emotional pain. My hand grasps a bunch of Michael's shirt, and my fingers curl around it to vent my feelings a little.

"I know you don't, Angel ... But if you let him go, he can finally be at peace. He'll be with your mother, and your brother Andre. Think of how happy that'll make him ... " As I look up at him, he gives me a sweet smile, before kissing the top of my forehead lovingly.

"But he was happy down here; alive ... " I retort painfully, shaking my head in disapproval of the fact he's gone. "E-Everyone in the photo is gone apart from me ... "

"Photo?" Michael cocks an eyebrow, looking down at me. He obviously wants me to elaborate on what I just said.

My lips part to speak, but no words come out initially. Exhaling, I try to explain. "Well ... I found a time capsule in the garden before dad called. It had a lot of stuff in there – and one of them was ... a photo of our family. Dad, mom, Andre ... and me. I said to myself, "Only half the people are still alive in this photo", but now ... I'm the only one left ... "

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