Chapter Forty-nine - I Wish

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Chapter forty-nine – I Wish


-December 7, 1987-

As I look out the living room window silently, I feel Michael adjusting my hair at the back; untucking it from my black dress. My eyes are fixed on the tree outside the house; its branches are bare now, and the leaves have fallen as a result of the cold winter weather. There's a certain chill within the room, despite there being heat radiated around the house.

"There you go," Michael speaks to me, his voice quiet. "Turn around for me."

My head turns at first, but before my eyes meet his, the rest of my body rotates to face his. "How do I look?"

A soft, mellow smile becomes evident on his lips, as he gently takes my hand and kisses my knuckles. "Like your father's little princess."

"That was my aim," I comment in response, returning a melancholy smile. For a moment, I scan my eyes up and down his body, taking in his attire; from his black slacks, to his polished loafers; from his neat-yet-casual light blue shirt, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, to his ebony curls which are pulled back into a ponytail. "And you look lovely, too. You didn't need to make an effort."

"Of course I'm going to make an effort. This is the day you lay your father to rest." His fingers reach up, tilting my head upwards by my chin. "And today is all about you. Not me. You. So don't even mention me or my family. It's your day, today." He raises his brows, the serious expression not leaving his gorgeous features. "You got that?"

I'm in no mood to argue, so I nod as soon as he says it. "I got that." My eyes then avert downwards, as I reach into my over-the-shoulder purse, bringing out a neck chain holding a little capsule. "And I need to get a hold of some of dad's ashes for this necklace. I want to keep a part of him with me forever."

"It'll happen," Michael assures me. He then opens his hand up. "Pass me it. I'll put it on for you for safe keeping."

"Good idea." Once I've handed him the chain, I turn myself around and shift my hair to my front. He places it around my neck, doing it up before moving my hair back to its original spot. "Thank you," I mutter to show gratitude.

"It's fine. And just remember – we're all here for you today. All of us." He then pauses a moment, shaking his head. "I mean, not that there's many of us ... but you know what I mean."

"I know." To give him the benefit of the doubt, I give a small closed-mouth smile. Once I've said this, I move my attention to the clock on the wall. "It's getting close to 12:00pm, now. Perhaps we should start going to the cemetery."

"Alright," he answers, taking my hand in his. "Clover and Reiss will already be there by the time we arrive, I should think." Before he walks any further, he faces opposite me once more, and laces his fingers with mine. "Citria, never forget I love you. Okay? Because I really do, with all my heart."

"I know you do." Another smile appears on my face, as I nod my head to show him I'm aware. "And I love you, too."

"Buuut, you don't understand," he continues. "I really, really love you."

A tiny chuckle sounds from me. "And I really, really love you back," I say through my giggles.

He smirks faintly, which dissolves into a light grin as he purposely towers above me, pressing his body against mine. "Buuut, you don't understand," he repeats. "I really, absolutely, positively adore you with every fibre of my being."

"My God," I snicker. "And I absolutely, positively, whatever-else-you-said-ly adore you as well!" By now, I'm laughing uncontrollably at his cute – but otherwise cheesy – display of verbal affection.

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